Applying to Graduate School (2024)

We recommend researching programs and consulting with your professors and advisors no later than your junior year. The Career Center can assist with the timing and decision-making process, essay reviews, admission practice exams and mock interviews.

Graduate School Timeline

  • Graduate School Timeline (PDF)
  • Graduate School Search Organizer (Excel)

Junior Year: Fall and Spring

  • Determine your area of interest and whether you prefer an academic or professional based program.
  • Research related institutions and programs (Peterson’s Guides and professors are both good resources).
  • Register for practice graduate admissions tests (i.e., GRE, GMAT, LSAT).
  • Begin requesting information from target schools.
  • Be sure you’re developing strong relationships with faculty, as letters of recommendation will be required in the application process.

Junior Year: Summer

  • Review the information you have received and decide to which schools you would like to apply.
  • Begin drafting your statement of purpose. Some programs might ask specific questions and provide specific formatting guidelines, so be sure to check the applications carefully.
  • Register and prepare for any admission tests you will need (GRE, GMAT, etc.).
  • Research financial assistance, including national scholarships, grants, fellowships and assistantships.
  • Visit the campuses of the programs you are strongly considering.

Senior Year: September

  • Meet with faculty members to discuss selected programs and start asking for letters of recommendation.
  • Ask faculty members, advisors, fellow students, and anyone whose opinion you trust to help you with your statement of purpose. If you are required to submit other writing samples, a portfolio, or an audition tape, make sure you prepare all portions of your applications well.
  • Develop a timeline for the applications you will be submitting. Many programs have different deadlines for different portions of the application. For instance, most programs strongly recommend you apply up to a month in advance if you are interested in an assistantship or fellowship. Also, financial aid deadlines can be different from general application deadlines.
  • Register for and/or take admission tests, if you have not already done so.

Senior Year: October

  • Finalize the number of targeted schools and make sure you have all necessary application materials.
  • Take admission tests and request that your scores be sent to the schools you have chosen.
  • Double-check timelines for application packages for each school/program.
  • Finish your statement of purpose and other materials required for applications.
  • Request letters of recommendation AT LEAST ONE MONTH before they are due.
  • Request transcripts from the registrar for ALL undergraduate work. If you have taken courses at another college or university, be sure those are included.

Senior Year: November/ December

  • Send in your applications. Most schools' deadlines range from mid-November through early February. Again, sending in an application three to four weeks before it is due will help you avoid mishaps. If you are applying online, make sure to complete your application before signing out/logging off. Whether you mail or submit your application electronically, follow up with the admissions office to make sure your application was received. It is a good idea to consider sending applications by certified mail.
  • Stay on top of the financial aid process. If you will be applying for loans, start researching your options now.

Senior Year: January/February/March

  • Follow up on your applications.
  • When you start receiving your acceptance letters, prepare to decide which program you will choose. Which factors are most important to you? Do you have a back-up plan if you do not get accepted to your top choice?
  • Do you have another alternate plan in case you do not get accepted at all?
  • You may be asked to interview for admissions, assistantships, and/or scholarships.
  • Try to plan your travel arrangements in advance in case you need to visit more than one school. Additionally, the Career Center offers practice interviews that can help you prepare.
  • File income taxes. Make multiple copies of your tax return in case you are asked to verify information. Prepare to fill out the FAFSA and any other financial aid forms.

Senior Year: March/April

  • You may be asked to submit final financial aid forms/applications. Keep copies of anything you submit for your records.
  • Once you have made your final decision about where you will go to graduate school, notify other schools of your choice.
  • Send thank-you notes to anyone who helped you during the application process, especially those who wrote you letters of recommendation, and let them know where you are heading to school.

Adapted from:

Choosing a Graduate School/Program

Once you have made the decision to go to graduate school, the next step is to research programs on sites such as to find one that suits your needs and talents. There are more than 1,800 institutions in the United States that offer graduate degrees. Don't limit yourself at this point, but instead gather information on a broad range of programs.

Gathering Information

Talk to faculty on campus and at other institutions that teach in the field you plan to pursue; they often can provide you with the best information that will help identify good programs. Since most universities have websites, the Internet is a great resource to find information quickly and easily. Some sites will provide complete information, while others may tell you where to write to get additional information.

Contact programs directly to get more detailed program information such as courses, professors, costs, financial aid and application forms. In the Career Center’s resource library, you will find books, brochures, catalogues, directories and guides that list information about universities that grant graduate or professional degrees. One such guide is the Peterson's Graduate School Guide, which contains both short and long descriptions of virtually all accredited graduate programs. Additionally, many professional associations will provide lists of accredited programs in their particular discipline.

Conduct informational interviews with current graduate students, professionals, and faculty in the graduate programs you are considering to gain insider information about programs.

Read professional and academic journals related to your area of interest and attend graduate program information sessions.

Deciding Where to Apply

After researching your options, the next step is to decide where to apply. Here are some factors to consider when evaluating programs:

  • The Reputation of the Faculty: What are their academic degrees/credentials and research specialties? What is the student/faculty ratio? Some faculty may have homepages that include some of the above information.
  • The Quality of the Program: This is measured by many different factors, such as those listed below. Talk to several faculty members and graduate students in the field you are pursuing to get an informed view on the variety of graduate programs available. You may choose to look at graduate school rankings to help you assess a program's quality; however, keep in mind that the rankings may be based on criteria that are different from your own and that many scholars, deans, and advisors question the validity of such rankings.
  • Financial Cost of the Program: Add up a list of costs (tuition, books, fees, etc.) What are the opportunities for fellowships, assistantships, or scholarships? What other sources of financial aid are available?
  • The Program Requirements: Determine admissions criteria such as GPA, test scores, undergraduate coursework, and specific entrance examinations.
  • Available Course Offerings: Are courses you need to fulfill degree requirements frequently offered? Will the course offerings help you meet your professional or educational goals?
  • Facilities: Consider the quality of on-site facilities such as libraries, computer labs, and research resources.
  • Employment: Where are graduates of the program working, and how much are they earning?
  • Geographic Location: Will studying in a particular location help you meet personal or professional goals?
  • Student Life: Consider the diversity of students, student organizations, housing, and campus support services.

Finally, keep in mind that there are major differences between applying for undergraduate programs and graduate programs. Your application will be evaluated by a specific department and its faculty members rather than a central admissions office. You should spend time learning about the reputation of the department and its faculty. Evaluate their credentials. Determine how often courses listed in the course bulletin are taught and by whom. Ask questions of the students in the program. Be critical about issues such as faculty turnover, accreditation, and the reputation of the department and its faculty.

Related Links

The Application Process

Most students apply to several graduate programs. Acceptance rates fluctuate from year to year, so it is wise to apply to some schools to which you have a high probability of being accepted as well as a few “reach schools,” or schools where your chances of being accepted are less certain. In addition, you may find that among the programs to which you are admitted, one may offer a more attractive funding package than another.

Be sure you leave yourself with options so that when all criteria are considered, you matriculate at the school that will offer you the most in terms of intellectual challenge, financial support, and career opportunities. Before you can make that decision, you have to apply. The application package includes numerous components, some of which may be very time consuming to complete. Each program may require different information or different formats, but you can plan on most application packages requiring the following components:

  • Online or paper application to the university graduate school and the specific department that houses your graduate program
  • Application fee (usually $35-$90 per program)
  • Admission test results, including the Graduate Record Exam (GRE), Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or Miller Analogies Test (MAT)
  • TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) results for non-native English speakers*
  • Statement of purpose (or personal statement)
  • Writing sample (for humanities, social sciences, and some fine arts programs)
  • Portfolio of works or performances (for most fine arts programs)
  • Letters of recommendation (typically two to five)
  • Financial aid application

Putting together an application package will take some time. Filling out the forms is the easy part. Taking the GRE, GMAT, or TOEFL, asking for letters of recommendation, writing a statement of purpose, and choosing writing samples or portfolio materials may take months. See the application checklist to help manage this process or come into the Career Center for assistance at any stage.

“ The Career Center helped me with almost every facet of the graduate school application process. Career Counselors reviewed my CV, resume, and personal statement to optimize the quality of my work which led to my acceptance at Columbia University. ”

Information for Test Takers

Graduate Record Exams (GREs) or Other Standardized Tests

Most graduate programs require standardized exams, such as the GREs, for admission; however, professional schools usually require different exams (the LSAT, MCAT, and GMAT, respectively). Each of these exams is standardized, meaning that they are normed, permitting students from different colleges to be compared meaningfully. The GRE is similar in structure to the SAT but taps your potential for graduate level work. Some, but not all, schools reveal their average GRE scores in their admissions material and in graduate school admissions books, such as the Peterson's Guide. Take standardized tests early (typically, the spring or summer before you apply) to inform your selection of programs as well as ensure that your scores arrive to the programs early, before the application deadline.

Registration and information booklets are available in the Career Center or online at the websites listed in the chart below. Financial aid recipients may qualify for the GRE Fee Reduction Program or Praxis fee waiver. For more information about the graduate or professional school application process call 410-704-2233 to schedule an appointment with a career advisor.

Test Preparation

  • Graduate School Admissions Tests (PDF)
Test When Offered Length of Test Subjects Covered Guessing Penalty?
DAT dental Daily (computer based) 4 hrs. 15 min. biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, math, reading comprehension, perceptual ability No
GMAT business Daily (computer based) 3 hrs. 20 min. verbal, mathematical and analytical writing skills Yes
GRE general grad program Daily (computer based) 4 hours analytical writing, verbal and quantitative skills Yes
GRE subject grad program Nov., Dec., & April 2 hrs. 50 min. (offered individually)biochemistry/cell/molecular biology, biology, chemistry, computer science, English literature, math, physics and psychology Yes
LSAT law Feb., June, Oct. & Dec. 3 hours reading comprehension, analytical reasoning, logical reasoning, writing No
MCAT medical 22 times/year (computer based) 4 hrs. 30 min. biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, verbal reasoning, writing No
OAT optometry Daily (computer based) 4 hrs. 45 min. biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, reading comprehension, math No
PCAT pharmacy June, Oct. & Jan. 4 hrs. 30 min. verbal ability, biology, chemistry, reading comprehension, math, writing No
Praxis | education Daily (computer based) 4 hrs. 30 min. reading, writing, mathematics No
Praxis || subject tests Sept., Nov., Jan., Mar., Apr., June & July 1-4 hours subject assessments, principles of learning and teaching (PLT) and teaching foundation tests No

Test Prep Organizations

These links are provided for convenience or reference only and are not intended as an endorsem*nt.

How to Write a Personal Statement/Statement of Purpose

Graduate and professional schools typically require application essays as part of the admission process to assess your skills, background, interest and motivation for their programs. Use the tools below for help with writing your essays.

How to Pay for Graduate School

  • Paying for Graduate School (PDF)

There are many sources of financial aid for post-baccalaureate education. Financial aid generally is awarded in two forms: gift-aid and self-help aid. Gift-aid includes grants, fellowships and scholarships (institutional or external) that do not have to be repaid or earned. Self-help aid includes loans that must be repaid, work-study funds that must be earned through work on a campus, off-campus work, and assistantships that pay professional or graduate students for their research, teaching, or other efforts. Most students use a combination of the options below over the years or even during one academic year. Make sure that you research all possibilities before attending a graduate program and annually while enrolled in one.

Teaching Assistantships

Teaching assistantships are considered to be part of a student’s training in many Ph.D. programs. Most programs offer a variety of teaching assistantships that range from grading papers or leading discussion sections to lecturing. The compensation for each type varies according to the workload, but most will include tuition remission and health insurance in addition to a stipend for living expenses. Teaching assistantships are competitive as the number available in each program is based on undergraduate course enrollments.

Research Assistantships

Some programs or individual faculty members offer research assistantships to their graduate students. Research assistants are members of a team conducting research on a specific topic or as part of a lab. These positions occur more commonly in the sciences than in the humanities. Compensation depends on the amount allotted for such positions in research grants.

Graduate Assistantships

These assistantships involve working in a university for 10-20 hours per week. Compensation varies with some providing tuition remission and others providing tuition remission and a stipend. Most will include health insurance. Assistantships that are administrative in nature often are available outside one’s academic department or program, so make sure you look for postings from other campus offices.

Resident Assistantships

A resident assistant or RA will live and work in a residence hall on campus. Compensation varies but will include at a minimum room and board.

Grants and Fellowships

Grants and fellowships may be awarded by a department, program, university academic office, or outside institution. Not only do they provide money, but they are prestigious and help build impressive curriculum vitae. Some criteria for winning grants and fellowships include financial need, academic achievement, research project potential, demographic background, or any combination of the above. They can be for one year or multiple years and may include fee remission, a stipend, and health insurance. The purpose of a grant or fellowship is to allow students to concentrate on their coursework or research without having to worry about money. Some fellowships require students to work as teaching assistants, while others do not. Neither fellowships nor grants have to be paid back, although some require progress reports to demonstrate that students are using their time and money appropriately. Most programs will include information about which grants and fellowships are available to their students on their websites. If you cannot find such information on the internet, you should contact the graduate secretary or director of graduate studies of prospective graduate programs to find out which grants and fellowships each program offers its students.

Employer Assistance

Some employers offer assistance for their employees to gain more education and training in a related academic program. Compensation varies, but can include coverage of part or all of book, fees, and tuition costs.

Student Loans

Student loans can be taken out from both private lenders and the government. The amount available varies as do the interest rates and repayment terms. All full-time domestic graduate students qualify for $20,500 annually up to $138,500 total through the Stafford Loan program. Be careful. These amounts add up quickly and could take years to pay back. Plus, depending on the expense of the academic program and local living costs, $20,500 may not cover tuition, books and supplies, room and board, and health insurance.

For more information on student loans and other funding resources, see:

Major Fellowships

Students applying to academic master's or Ph.D. programs may want to explore the following competitive graduate fellowship opportunities and resources. See each fellowship’s website for details on requirements and deadlines.

Letters of Recommendation

Recommendation letters typically are required for application to professional schools (medical, dental, law, business, etc.) and academic graduate programs (academic master's and Ph.D. degrees).

We recommend using Interfolio for collecting, storing and sending letters for application to graduate or professional schools or fellowships. This convenient, online service is accessible 24/7 and allows you to collect and manage the distribution of your letters.

  • A Student Guide to Obtaining Letters of Recommendation (PDF)

Related On-Campus Resources

  • Physical Therapy Advising
  • Undergraduate Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Program
  • Towson University Pre-Law
  • Towson University Pre-Pharmacy
  • Towson University Graduate Admissions
  • Towson University Graduate Catalog
Applying to Graduate School (2024)


When should you start applying for grad school? ›

Another good rule of thumb: Start about 18 months before your first day of class. Some graduate schools and programs have hard and fast deadlines, while others may offer rolling admission on a space-available basis. Start by talking to your professors (or former professors, if you have already graduated).

What is a good GPA for applying to grad school? ›

Grad schools often recommend a 3.0 GPA for admissions, but may accept candidates with a 2.5-2.9 GPA with provisional admission. If you have a lower GPA, consider retaking courses to raise your grades or take graduate courses to strengthen your application.

What is the process for getting into grad school? ›

Table of contents
  • Choosing programs to apply to.
  • Planning your application timeline.
  • Requesting transcripts and recommendation letters.
  • Taking standardized tests.
  • Writing your resume.
  • Writing a statement of purpose.
  • Writing a personal statement.
  • Preparing for interviews.

Is it hard to apply to grad school? ›

Is it Hard to Get into Graduate School? It is typical for a single program to receive about 200 or so applications for between 5 and 8 admission spots, making the chances of being admitted less than 5%.

What GPA is required for a master's degree? ›

Master's Degree Prerequisites

All master's degrees require the completion of a bachelor's degree and usually require an undergraduate GPA of 3.0. Many schools also require taking entrance exams like the GRE or GMAT.

Is 30 too late to start grad school? ›

A person is never too old to go to grad school, including people in their 30s. The notion of going to grad school in your 30s has gained momentum and for good reasons. Whether you are aiming to enhance your skills, switch careers, or advance within your current role, graduate school can be an enriching experience.

Is a 2.7 GPA too low for grad school? ›

Many grad programs call for a minimum 3.0 undergraduate GPA. However, some programs may admit you with a 2.5 or even 2.0 GPA. Online graduate programs with low GPA requirements allow you to continue your education even if you didn't do great in undergrad.

Is 3.3 GPA too low for grad school? ›

Although actual requirements vary, most graduate admissions committees typically expect applicants to have GPAs from 3.0–3.3 for master's programs and from 3.3–3.5 for doctoral programs.

Is a 2.5 GPA good enough for grad school? ›

Yes, many graduate programs will let you apply with a 2.5 GPA. However, a low GPA means that you must prove your academic readiness in other ways, such as by writing a convincing personal statement or holding many years of professional experience.

How do grad schools decide who to accept? ›

Graduate school admissions committees take into account a variety of elements to determine a candidate's potential, including their academic performance, test results, recommendations, personal statements, and “show me” materials.

What are the odds I get into grad school? ›

These include your academic transcript, the competitiveness of a particular course, the prestige of a school and much more. Grad school acceptance rates vary wildly. Prestigious graduate schools have acceptance rates as low as 5% whilst others are in the range of 11 to 27% acceptance.

How do you increase your chances of getting into graduate school? ›

Here are some tips for improving your grad school prospects while you're still an undergrad.
  1. Keep up your grade point average. ...
  2. Choose your courses (and your professors) wisely. ...
  3. Cultivate relationships with your professors. ...
  4. Gain leadership experience through clubs and activities. ...
  5. Carve out time to study for admissions tests.
Feb 21, 2023

What is the easiest master's degree to get? ›

15 Easiest Master's Degree Programs
  • Communication.
  • Counseling.
  • Criminal Justice.
  • Education.
  • Healthcare Administration.
  • Human Resources.
  • Information Technology.
  • Marketing.

Why am I getting rejected from grad school? ›

While late or incomplete applications, missing recommendation letters, or low test scores are common reasons for rejection, sometimes intricate aspects of a student's profile like 'lack of leadership or volunteer experience' or 'a lackluster Personal Statement' could be what's holding you back.

What are the easiest grad schools to get into? ›

List of Graduate Schools with High Acceptance Rates
School NameAcceptance RateMinimum GPA
Utica College87%3.00
West Virginia University84%2.75
Bob Jones University82%3.00
Quinnipiac University82%3.00
44 more rows

When should new grads start applying? ›

We recommend actively applying to jobs at least 4 months before you graduate. For example, if you graduate in May, at the latest, you should start sending out job applications in February. Though it's not what we want to hear, it's always important to leave room for rejection.

Is it better to apply to grad school early or late? ›

If you're considering an MBA or a Masters, the chances are you're a few years into your career. A successful early application gives you valuable time to hand over your current role. And if you plan on returning after your studies, it's an opportunity to get your boss's buy-in.

Should I apply for grad school my senior year? ›

If you follow the steps above in your junior year, the work you'll have to do in your senior year to apply for graduate school will be much easier. Senior year is when you'll start your applications, look at financial aid options, and start communicating with schools directly.

Should I apply to grad school right after undergrad? ›

An advanced degree may boost earning potential, career advancement, and job security. Attending graduate school immediately after earning your degree can keep your momentum going and may allow you to defer your undergraduate loan payments. Working for a few years before attending school allows you to save money.


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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

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Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.