Biddeford-Saco Journal from Biddeford, Maine (2024)

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Biddeford-Saco Journali

Biddeford, Maine

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2 Biddeford Maine Journal Monday February 4 1957 Civil-Rights Crowd Attends Elks Frolics 7 Personal Briefs Three Persons Die In Weekend Couture 115 Mam surgical patient at the Center Portland Cote North avenue PORTLAND'' Three persons died in Maine week end accidents one in a fire and two in highway mishaps Edward Reny 58 died in a fire at the home of hi? spn-in-laW eo Roy at Lewiston Law- MrS Conde street is a Maine Medical Mrs Betty Camp Ellis' Saco is 5 medical patient at the Thill hospital Mr and Mrs Alfred Larochelle Saco avenue Old Orchard Beach have returned ffom a vacation in Daytona Beach Fla Mr "Mrs Andre Jacaues 118 Alfred street a rn ill ed over the weekend with tives in Reading Mass Miss Grace Freeman 6 rela- Pros- pect street Old Orchard Beach has entered the Saco hospital for surgery Ronsld Howard son of and Mrs Prescott Howard Mr Or- Albert a neighbor suffered milhAMil in a fiitila Manna cut hand in futile rescue A capacity crowd numbering near 800 gathered at Saco City hall Saturday night for the eighth annual Elks Frolic sponsored by the Biddeford-Saco lodge ofElksi Proving to be the most pophta act of th evening's entertainment was Jav Nemeth His noted for appearances on the Ed Sulivan television show The remaining five acts which were all crowd -pleasers included George Holmes dancer with comedy-Potas and Folso a comedy sailor routine: Dpt Rankin Her Little' teaming illuminated pupnetsRay Williams comedy master of cere- monies: Paul -and-Kdna-Wimikr with tap dancing routines Dumg intermission members of the committee in charge sold popcorn made by Candy Curit and eSn Hoyt with proceeds -of 6705 going to the March of Dimes campaigiC Edbuard Cote was the general chairman while other committee-men were Leonard Drapeau master of ceremonies Wilfred Blais Knight SamuelxLublinsky door Fernand Cote Jack Curit University of Maine after a one-- week vacation at his home Robert Fowler has resumed his studies at the University of Maine after spending a week at the home of his parents Mr and Mrs-Lewis -Fowler Tjhip Old Orchard Beach Mrs Leona Padhaiskv 36 Foss street who has undergone two major operations at the Webber hospital during the past two weeks is expected to return home "by titeend of this week Roger Croteau a freshman at the University of Hampshire and son of Mr and Mrs Lawreoce Croteau 137 Prospect has Balaam tikP9640 A COLONIAL exterior has been wrapped around a modenrfnlerlor arrangement In this three-bedroom two-bath home with a central gabte wing The tie-lb of the frvgy doors with porch lengthens apparent size of the structure Outdoor living is aided by large rear Jerrace overlooked -fay sliding glass'idoors pf Uving room The plan la by a a attempt Firemen said the blaze started wheiuRepy smoWd in bed A cat alsv pqhshed Roy was alone at the time A collision of two automobiles killed David Bolduc 14 of West Penobscot a passenger at Leblanc 76 of Lew iston was killed on Lis an automobile St MRS GEORGE M1LLIKEN Funeral services were field this afternoon at 2 fromtheDenniett and Craig funeral home 365 Main street Saco for Mrs Mildred Bertha Milliken 55 a resident of Kittery Point and wife of George Milliken formerly of this city who died Saturday at a local hospital lengthy illness Born in Kittery the daughter Littery the daughte and Sarah (Tohgy of Thomas Amee she was an attendant of the First Christian church Kit-Point ery Surviving besides her husband is one son Jr Kittery Entombment was Wood cemetery George Milliken -in Green- MRB WALTER JOHNSON Funeral services for Mrs Minnie Hayford Johnson Wife of Walter Johnson were held Saturday afternoon at 1 from the Dennett and Craig funeral home 365 Main street Saco Rev Alan Keith of the Church of the Nazarene Livermore Falls officiated Burial was in the family lot at Greenwood cemetery services were held this a 11 afternoon at 1 from the funeral home Kennebunkport for Mrs Sophronia Hutchins wife'bfMertoTrHutchinsr'Cape Porpoise who died Saturday afternoon at a local hospital at the age of 75 She was bornTn North Salem the daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Budier) Robbins She was a member of the Cape Porpoise Methodist church and active in the Ladies-Aid society of the church Previous to residing in Cape Porpoise she lived In Somerville Mass Bibber aomerviue mass Surviving besides her husband iph Fort Harold Lauderdale -Fla Providence I and Lawson Lynfield Mass one sister- Mrs Rebecpa Emmonsr Cape Porpoise six grandchildren and six greatgrandchildren Rev-Clervis Laverty officiated at the services Burial was in the family lot at Arundel cemetery 1 Rudolph A Matern90-04JL61stStJamaica New York The porch covers 1661 square fefct house excluding garage and RADIATION EMITTED BY IS SOAKED UP BY PARTICLES OF A PHOSPHOR WHICH TRANSFORMS THEM INTO ATOMIC LIGHT" IV I 1 PHOSPHOR- 147 ATOM RADIATIONS ARE CONVERTED PHOTOELECTRIC CELLS INTO AMOUNTS OF CURRENT Program Urged By Brownell WASHINGTON WV-Alty Gen Brownell urging enactment of the administration's civil rights program said today it would not enlarge the federal jurisdiction in this field --The program is designed solely he -said to empower the government to proceed through civil action to protect rights guaranteed by the' Constitution instead of having resort to criminal prosecution the law now requires Brownell was the first witness at hearings by -the House Judiciary Committee cm one of the major legislative Presi-dent Eisenhower has made to the Congress: A sizeable list of Southern foes of the proposals was waiting -to be heard Tlie program calls for: 'irCreation'aF'a bipartisan commission- to investigate reported violations of civil rights 2 Setting up a civil rights di vision in the Justice Department under an assistant attorney general 3 New laws to protect voting rights and permit the government to use injunctive power to prevent violations Provision' for civil damage suits where civil rights have been to have been violated Injunctive power would per mit the government to seek court ordersin- advance -of-an -election to halt juiy illegal interference with voting right As it is now the government can only prosecute after-actual denial of the In Sa co Mishap Three Saco womep were reported to have been shaken up when the car in which they were riding was struck in the rear car Laura I Stickney Cutts avenue Saco Sunday afternoon The accident took place on Main street a short distance from the intersection of Summer and Main streets when a car operated by Mrs Beatrice Garland 66 0-76 -North- street stopped to permit two passengfers In her machine Mrs Charlotte Staples 331- Main street Saco and Mrs Winmfred Sawyer 10 Elm street Saco to alight Due to the fog falling rain and ity street Dr Stickney was unable to clear the parked machine in time to prevent-striking the rear end '-No serious injuries were reoorted Damage -to Mrs machine is estimated at -and about' $150 to the Stickney sedan Thirty-Seven Continued tram pan mu' pushed to the disaster spot in the 6-mile-long underground mine -Dispatcher Meade'1 said the rescuers had heard no cries from any of the mining nor had they been able to make any contact with the men seven hours after the Mast reverberated through this mining community of 700 Another employe voiced the hope that- some of the missing be found alive in abarri-area The explosion occurred two hours after the midnight shift reported in one of the largest mine the' extensive Pocahontas system in Virginia and West Virginia Bishop is about 25 mileksouth Bluefield Va near ihe West Virginia border Dispatcher Martin Martin said there is still hope that some of the men will be found alive He attributedthe explosion to gas itioiL yStock Market NEW YORK A small stock market rally in mid morning ailed to hold its ground and prices lapsed into- irregularity early this afternoon Key stocks registered gains or osses running from fractions to point The market was mixed at -the start with steels lower- A quick turnabout by the steels -was infectious leading the list to slighty md TTien most of the new gains melted leaving prices generally mixed once again The Associated' Presaventgecf 60 stocks at noon was up 10 cents to $17620 with Indus trialiup 20 cents rails up 10 cents gnd utilities unchanged American Stock Exchange 'prices were higher in moderately active trading Corporate bonds rose in quiet trading government bonds eased In slow dealings over the counter President Contlnu hm rase On as to ensure sovereignty and to' guarantee free access and fair tolls under principles approved by the United Nations Security Council 3 Economic aid with some immediate revenue-producing projects being tagged for commercial and World Bank loans and any grant aid being delayed qntfl after the 'new fiscal year starts July 1 Sea Lyndon Johnson of Textile Democratic lead- as er said he believes basis far more realistic with Saudi Arabia has been established by Saud's visit- Other visite by Middle Eastern leaders are Scheduled and I believe that nothing could be hea thier for our he aid 1 TINY POWER SOURCE HARNESSES THE ATOM-Dtem ebwe shows operating principle of a tihy shielded atomicrpowered battery just cough drop size Said to be as safe to cany as a house key Its developers Mate that it gives off less radiation than radium dials on today wrist watches Potential uses for the power source include ministure radios hearing aids and perhaps wrist watches With a functional life of five years in its present form adaptions of the basic battery may same day be used to power meteoroUcpl and radiotogical monitoring ments which could operate unattended for long periods of time In remote polar regions or under the sea The device is a joint research development of IQgin NatfaPjd WatdYCpmpany and the Walter Kidde Nuclear Laboratories LOUIS FOURNIER The Saco United Baptist Funeral services for' Louis church school officers meeting Fournier retired agent for the will be held tonight at 7 Metropolitan Insurance com-nany were held this morning at I Girl Scout Troop 8 of the Saco otre Dame de Lourdes church United Baptist church and Saco Rev Albert Cftarette I Brownie Troop 13 will meet pastor officiated at the solemn I Tuesday afternoon requiem high mass assisted by Rev Joseph Allard as deacon LAdweck service will be and Rev Rene Caouette as uh- 7-30 deacon Mrs Eva Carrier pre-la tle- Unite4 Baptist sided at the organ Bearers were representatives of tile local Metropolitan Insurance office including Donald this evening at 7:30 in the A speciai meeting will be held lute fairness of the American system of criminal He said use of results of the test' would in effect require her-to give evidence nerself against herself contrary -to her constitutional rights Dr Louis who treated Mrs injuries after a Oct 20 testified sample of Mood and that did not request it nor did she of Freeport ikett for head it accident last had taken a at the hospital been named to the dean's list for the first semester James Donahue has resumed his studies at the University of New Hampshire after- spending the mid-year recess with his par- ents Mr-and Mrs Emekt Donahue 9 Orchard street Mis? JHmtette Angers employ ed at the cosmetic department of department store has returned from Boston where she attended a training school in cosmetology at the Parker huse conducted by Dorothy Gray Bishop Fenwick council Knights of Columbus auxiliary 'conducted a whist party at the Main street Saco hall Sunday Prizes went to Mrs William Gervais Mrs Edgar Simon- eaurMreeteirMMrsrEd-' mahJ uAaslM nilAnaiwI ward Rosaire Chenard Raymond Kerry Arthur Neault Harold Stroiit Special awards -were -given-to-Paul- Sullivan-Ed-gar Simoneau and Mrs Williaam Gervais Refreshments were served by Mrs William Dunn and Raymond co-chairmen in charge Next Sunday the council will sponsor another whist party Club Calendar Council Notre ham Union St Baptist will meet Tuesday night at 8 at the Notre Dame de Lourdes school hall Beach street Saco The WSCS of the Foss street Methodist 'church will meet Wednesday evening at1 7:30 at the Orchard street home of Mrs Ethel Small and Mrs Harriet Smith King Court Order of Amaranth will meet Tuesday evening at Odd Fellows hall Saco at 7:30 Entertainment will be in charge of Mrs Mabel Cloudman and refreshments will be served by Mrs Betty Bardsley aricT her committee Men in the Biddeford-Saco area interested in the Boy Scout movement in the communities will meet this evening at 7:30 at the Chamber of Commerce office Journal building The Past Presidents association of tie Fred Gurney Relief Corps will meet Tuesday evening at the GAR hall Saco vill be Supper wi Biddeford post Veterans of Foreign Ware auxiliary will meet this evening at 7:30 at City building The Delta Alpha club will meet tonight at 8 with Mrs Marion Dow Stacy street Saco Venezuela was the largest export market for motor ve-hides in 1955 when more than 44000 vehicles were shipped -to -the country' In the Central American country of San Salvador- a motorist -who injures person in an acd- dent in which the-- driver is at fault asusVdaxJp jail pntil his victim recovers Card of Thank I wish to thank my many friends and relatives for the -beautiful gifts cards and flowers sent to me during my stay at the Maine Medical Center Alberta Slaughter I wish to thank my many friends and relatives for the beautiful cards flowers and ifts sent me during my stay at Webber hospital and durinc convalescence at home Also to the nurses and doctors at the hospital for their kind care Mrs Edward Reilly We wish to express our sincere thanks to our friends and neighbors for their' expressions of sympathy during our recent bereavement Katherine and Anthony Farley MONUMENTS 75 Yean of Experience James Murphy Co Inc 1 Lewiston Maine Rep Fernando Gagqe 520 Elm SL Biddeford Blaine -Dial 2-1147 for Cstalognd Greeting newcomers is Suzanne Pauline-Remillard' one-year-old daughter of Mr and Alphonse Remillard 105 Granite street Mrs Remillard is the former Lucille Bernier Pelletier TP Mr and Mm Maurice Jfe CorbeiL 541 Main street a daughter weighing six pounds six ounces January 29 at the Notre Dame hospital Mrs Corbeil is the for- 'mer Theresa Gagne To Mr juid'Mrs Maynard Child Portland at the Merer hospital a daughter Julieann Elaine -weighing eight pounds two ounces Mr and Child -were employed at the local New England TeL and TeL company before moving to Portland Mrs Child lathe former Theses Harriman Maternal grandparent Is Bln Amy Hardman 404 Elm street this city To Sgt and Bln Frank HedelL-Danvenb-Blaao-and- Blddeford Pool a daughter Bonnie Sue at the Chelsea Naval hospital weighing eight pounds 12 ounces Grandparents an BIr and Mrs Clifford Bedell Bidde- ford Pool and Mr and Sirs -Harry- B-Thompaon-Water town Mass Iii The Chnrche HqIv Communion will be celebrated Tuesday -morning at 6 at Christ Episcopal church The Christ church Altar Guild will meet in thew parlor pf the parish hall Tuesday evening at 7:30 Explorer Scouts 341 of the Saco United Baptist church will meet this evening at 7 Saco united --Baptist church will meet this evening at 7 The Society of the Second Congregational church will meet Tuesday afternoon at 2 in the vestry Circle A Mrs George Harpootlian leader will act 'as hostesses and provide the refreshments A prayer and praise service will be held Tuesday night at 7:30 for the Advent Christian church members at the home of Miss Elizabeth Sweetser J5 For- est street The choir of theySouth Biidde-ford' Methodist "church will rehearse Tuesday night at 7:30 at the home of Inez Johnson Toss street Methodist -Sunday school workers conference will be held -Tuesday evening at 7:30 at the- home-of evening a I at me nuiue jjr and Mrs Francis Spencer 508 Alfred street The board of deacons of the Biddeford United Baptist church will meet this evening at 7:30 at the church pgf1 I jdy an 8 to 5 vote the School lsogj issued a last-minute order I that the teachers would be placing their contracts inr jeopardy if they faued to appear rn several elementa officials organized-ape schools organizeCN-jetlal safety petrols in an effort to make sure that youngsters returned to their homes safety The strike which climaxed m0nths of controversy between yie teachers and the city came after last-minute attempts to ne- a PROMETHIUM Fitchburg Fate-IsMyslery FITCHBURG Mass UR -aura of mystery surrounds An the case of Aldo Bruso 57 The big question is: was he aboard the Northeast Airliner which crashed Friday night in New York with the loss of 20 Two Fitchburg doctors examined the bodies of the unidentified dead without establishing that was among them They now have new deqtiA information and plan a new ess Police said what causes the mystery are the following -incidents: 1 Bruso had arranged for tickets for the fatal Miami flight 2 The day before the takeoff a man swing he was Bruso can-the celled was ill 3 The airline said a man whdi identified himself Bruso later picked up the tickets and boarded the plane Bruso was listed missing DnmkenDrivmg Charge Dropped PORTLAND drunken driving charge against Mrs Beatrice Dukett of Freeport was droi in Superior Court here today it was discovered during her trial that she had not consented to a blood test made Justice Charles A Pommy told the jury they should be die i proud lof the abso demonstration of LIGHT BY USABLE vestry SS Albert BSSUSIr Carl Sheltra Albert Deshaies Leon Jones -and Raymond Driscoll ushers: Jack Curit and Hen- Vermette lighting Robert Labelle stage manager: Charles Gallagher chairman Dennis Ad-dorio James MurphyHosea Cur Roland Henaire Charles Richard Henri Dupre tickets Lase )river Filed A charge of failure to report an accident after his car had struck a nine-year-old Saco -boy Sunday afternoon was responsible for Stephen Muslawski 39 of 70 Storer street Saco appear-before Recorder William oh Jr in the Saco courftfiis morning After entering a plea of not guilty and ljsteningto evidence the case was ordered filed It was alleged- that the car op-eratetd5y Muslawski while on Common street came in contact with William Walton 10 Wake- fieldavehue who was walking along the street with two companions James and David Wich- am same address as the Walton youth After quickly stopping mine if tie car to determine if the youth injured' and alleged to have been told by the boy he was all right Muslawski said he drove ay HTdid ndTbelieve that it necessary to report the accident to the police ne told the court Later when young Walton developed a badly swollen nose report was giade to the police in trying to locate the identity of the driver rench Vessel Strikes Iceberg N9W YORK The Coast Guard reported that a 300 ton French cargo vessel struck aq iceberg today about 48 miles southeast oCape Breton Nova Scotia'- r-The vessel was identified as the Petit Bras which radioed its plight at 8 a saying its engine room was flooded and asking immediate assistance The British tanker Imperial Halifax 10 miles from the scene proceeded toward the French ship The -Coast Guard said 'planes nave been sent out fflom its Ar-gentia Nfld base and that cut-trolling the North AtianHo toward the stricken vessel The number of crewmen aboard was not known Voting (Continued Troa rus unei Ipef the Maine Statutes clerk Of each city shall be the custodian of the records of the board of registration and of the revised and corrected lists of voters prepared by the board for use at any election and shall seasonably- transmit to the wardens teue and attested copies of such lists for their use on day and the clerk shall keep the' lists for one year nnd furnish certified copies thereof-For fail ure to do so-he shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500 or by imprisonment for 11 months The warden and ballot clerks shall certify such voting lists and that they are the lists used by them at such Through use of the same marked checklists as used in the previous election here voting is a direct violation of Chapter 3 Sec 28 of the Revised Statutes was alleged by the lawyers There are more than 10 million people in the United States employed in highway transportation industries There is one motor vehicle in the for every 26people the population In China ratio is ap vehicle per 5000 people in mine mo sa MVNUb objections to one route which wopld 'cut off part of its campus Secret Documents Found In Basem*nt CHICAGT- A janitor cleaning an- apartment building basem*nt yesterdajr found government which the FBI said were stolen from a physicist en route a South Bend Ind guided missile plant -Donald Hostetter 0iicago FBI chief said the discovery was reported hy Edward A Merk janitor for a building located on the south side Hostetter described the documents as classified He said they apparently were discarded by a thief and are intact as far as we -are able to Dr Fletcher Paddison physicist at Johns' Hopkins University Wednesday reported theft of a briefcase- containing the documents to the FBI and police Paddison of Bethesda Md said the briefcase was taken while he was making a telephone call from the Illinois Central 63rd Streettatieih-The station isafew blocks from where the papers iwerd' found The briefcase -Hostefter said was not found Passenger cars: account for more than 80 per cent of all mo- tor vehicle miles traveled in the 6 In the entire world there are -now approximately 95 million motor vehicles operating on 9-800000 miles of roads ADVERTIsem*nT CARBURETOR SAVES GAS BY "JET-ING Car owners who are wasting Thomas Winston and Raymond Rousseau A delegation -was present from the Sacred Heart league of Notre Dame church including William Martel Hilaire Morin Ernest Chenard Maurice Poirier and Joseph Laliberte There were also representatives! attendance from the Notre Dame council Union St John Baptist the Lewiston- Auburn office of the Metropolitan Insurance company Burial was in St Joseph cemetery with Father Allard saying prayers- at the' grave Attending from out were Mrs Anthony Yambanis Philippe Fournier Miss' Gertrude FlIlIlM fX- I Fournier Miss Paulinb Fournier Vestbrook Mr and Mrs Regis william NnlptRn urnmii 5 Lepage Duhiip I SStom GamacheJ EDGAR CORQEAU Funeral services forKdgar Cordeau a World War I veteran were held this morning from St Andre church at 9 Msgr Aime Giguere celebrated the sol- I WiseoosinJnventor who has developed a very deverrofit that saves gasoline byJetdng and It is automatic -and operates on the-supercharge principle Easity installed in a r' few minutes Fits' cars trucks -and tractors The manufacturers the Vacu-matic Carburetor Co 7617-70 State SL Wauwatosa Wis: are offering a Vacumatic to anyone who will install if on his car and help introduce it to often They will gladly send fuu free particulars if you write them or send your name and address on a post card today The choir of the Biddeford emn requiem high mass assisted United Baptist church will re-by Rev Robert Martel as deacon hearse Tuesday evening at 6:30 and Rev 'Roland Rancqurt as in the vestry subdeacon Singing was by a male quartet The midweek prayer meeting with Mrs Laura Proulx atof the Biddeford United Baptis the organ church wlil be held in the vestry Bearers were Victor Cordeau Tuesday night at 7:30 followed Jr- Albert Cordeau Roland by a special business meeting Toussaint Andre Lessard Rich-1 1 cher Binette and Philippe 400 Manchester A Modem Honest and Effident Service Is Symbolic of Out Efforts To Serve in lane of Bereavement i Shumway Funeral Service 25 Sprfog gaeo Dial 4-5811 STBEET 4-6021 A detail from the Marine baiv -Tn TT racks Portsmouth con a funora! eennee with toPu held Purpie Heart decoratioa Sgt Joseph LLapomtwas incharge of the military rites with Sgt Picard the bugler of the firing squad were Cpls Joseph Vasil John Vermette Pfcs George Fowler Donald Kwaithouski Pvtk Henry Vreelgnd and Raymond Plany Vernapd Members Cosgrove Funeral Home 328 ETM nonsEctarian k0UTE HEARING AUGUSTA 191-Engineering con-sultants say the so callec for the Interstate Highway through Waterville would serve as much traffic as the controversial route favored by the State Highway Comn and would cost little more- The commission will hold a public hearing on the proposals Feb 13 at Waterville Colby CoUcgehas rftised strong i DIAL -More than 47' per cent of all radios built in the United States are designed for automotive use Experiments by automotive body engineers reveal that wbll would a white-topped car is parked in are-teachers present or not the sun next to a black-topped But Supt Nichols saicj the build-car the former remains 15 we -shut down when -no firoosopblorintfido ltya9hersJreported for'luty 1 -J i gtiate a settlement collapsed last I teachess reported for duty John Conway vice chairman I the school board had said there be school "whether there EYES HAVE A' real nip charai'ter at Hialeah Park is The filly sulks when blinkers are removed- slio drinks and sleeps in fi 'h cau 4 Pledged Perfection lit Every Servlee 'V'v 7' 1 A I.

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Biddeford-Saco Journal from Biddeford, Maine (2024)


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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

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Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.