Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Casein Bundel - Chocolate 100% Caseine Time... | bol (2024)


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De perfecte bundel voor optimaal herstel: Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Caseine Time Release Proteine Poeder en Gold Standard Daily Support Sleep

Sleep Support en 100% Caseine Time Release: Alles wat jij als sporter nodig hebt voor Optimaal herstel!
Soms is langzamer beter, vooral wanneer het aankomt op de snelheid van eiwitvertering. Daarom bevat 100% Caseïne Gold Standard per shake 24 gram proteïne, 5 gram BCAA's en 5 gram L-Glutamine.

Gold Standard Daily Support Sleep is een krachtig nachtsupplement met vitamine B6 en zink, die bijdragen aan de normale werking van het immuunsysteem. Het is ook verrijkt met magnesium, vitamine B6 & B7 en 100 mg 5-HTP. Krijg ongeëvenaarde ondersteuning terwijl u slaapt en word klaar wakker om uw dag aan te pakken.

Waarom jij kiest voor Gold Standard 100% Caseïne Time Release Proteïne:
Het voordeel van 100% (Micellair) Caseïne is dat het langzamer wordt opgenomen door het lichaam en een hoog aandeel L-Glutamine bevat.100% Caseïne Gold Standard van Optimum Nutrition is voor de serieuze en zwaar trainende atleet zeer nuttig om voor het slapen gaan te gebruiken. Door het gebruik van Aminogen wordt deze Caseïne shake nog beter opgenomen door het lichaam.

De Gouden Standaard in Micellair Caseïne

  1. Bevat 115 kcal per shake
  2. 24 gram protein per shake
  3. 5 gram BCAA
  4. Aminogen® voor een nog betere opname
  5. 10 gram BCAA's en Glutamine per scoop
  6. 100% Micellair Caseïne!
  7. Suikerarm en een laag vetgehalte

Wanneer kies je voor Caseïn Time Release Proteine?
Caseïne is net als Whey eiwit dat wordt verkregen uit melk. Het verschil tussen de twee zit hem in de opname van de shake door je lichaam.
Caseïne zijn de langzame eiwitten.Omdat het enkele uren duurt voordat Casein eiwitten door je lichaam zijn opgenomen is het slim om deze eiwit vorm voor het slapen te nemen. Zo krijgt je lichaam tijdens deze vaste periode genoeg eiwitten binnen. Daarnaast bevat Optimum Nutrition 100% Caseine Time Release maar liefst negen essentiële aminozuren die bijdragen aan een optimaal herstel.

Wat is het verschil met Whey Protein?
Whey eiwitten de snelle eiwitten. Je lichaam doet er ongeveer 40 minuten over om deze op te nemen. Een whey proteine shake neem je daarom ook direct na het sporten.

Aanvullende Informatie:
Daily Support Sleep is niet geschikt voor kinderen tot en met 17 jaar. Een voedingssupplement mag niet als vervanging van een gevarieerde, evenwichtige voeding en een gezonde levensstijl worden gebruikt. De aanbevolen dagelijkse dosering niet overschrijden.

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Bijzondere Bewaarvoorschriften
zie label

Fabrikant Naam
Optimum Nutrition

Fabrikant Adres
Mars 10, Heerenveen

zie label

924 g

924 g


Product gewicht
924 g
Optimum Nutrition




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Aantal stuks in verpakking
1 stuk(s)

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Herstel | Hydratatie | Spiergroei

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Maximale bewaartemperatuur
18 °C

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Te gebruiken
Na het sporten

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Type eiwit



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  • Gezondheid
  • Sport
  • Sportvoeding
  • Fitness
  • Eiwitpoeder
  • Alle sporten
  • Eiwitten
  • Fitnessvoeding
  • Eiwitten
  • Wielrennen
  • Wielrenvoeding
  • Eiwitten
Type eiwit
Optimum Nutrition
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Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Casein Bundel - Chocolate 100% Caseine Time... | bol (2024)


How long does Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard last? ›

On the bottom or side of protein tubs you'll find ink jet printing listing a manufacture date, expiration date and batch code. Powdered products have a 2-year shelf life, so the dates should be 2 years apart.

How long does it take to digest casein? ›

Casein protein, a slow-acting protein, digests at half the speed of whey - 6 grams per hour. After 5 hours of consuming 30 grams of casein protein, you're back to baseline.

Should you take casein protein every day? ›

Bottom Line: Casein protein has many uses and can be used daily to increase your total protein intake. It may be best to take it before bed, or if you are going for long periods without food.

Can you take too much casein protein? ›

Gastrointestinal discomfort: Taking excessive amounts of casein protein powder may cause stomach discomfort, bloating, cramps, gas, and diarrhea. Dehydration: Casein protein powder may cause dehydration if taken in excess.

What are the side effects of Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard? ›

Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey Protein Powder contains sucralose and acesulfame potassium, which are generally considered safe and well-tolerated by most people. However, some people may still react negatively to these artificial sweeteners, and may experience digestive distress, headaches, or fatigue.

How long does it take for optimum to work? ›

Once you receive your equipment and begin the installation process, you should be up and running in 35 mins. or less without a technician appointment or fees.

Does casein cause leaky gut? ›

Bad bacteria is notable for creating exotoxins that are very harmful to your cells and quickly eats through your intestinal wall, causing leaky gut. Conventional cow's milk is also something to be careful about, as dairy's A1 Casein protein harms your gut when taken in large quantities.

What is the timing of casein? ›

Many people who start taking casein supplements do not initially know the right time of taking it. As it is a slow-digesting protein, the most suitable time for casein supplement intake is the nighttime. That is why most athletes and bodybuilders consume it before bed.

Does casein protein help you lose weight? ›

Casein is digested more slowly and may keep you fuller over a longer period of time ( 29 ). One study followed overweight men on a weight loss diet that included either whey or casein supplements. After 12 weeks, those taking casein supplements lost an average of 8% of their body weight.

Who should not take casein protein? ›

Most infants receiving casein protein formulas do not experience side effects. Milk allergy: People with milk allergy can be allergic to the proteins contained in milk such as casein protein. If you have a milk allergy, it's best to avoid taking casein protein.

What foods should I avoid with casein? ›

Foods to avoid with a casein allergy include, but are not limited to:
  • all forms of milk (whole, low-fat, skim, buttermilk)
  • butter, margarine, ghee, butter flavorings.
  • yogurt, kefir.
  • cheese and anything containing cheese.
  • ice cream, gelato.
  • half and half.
  • cream (whipped, heavy, sour)
  • pudding, custard.
Feb 5, 2020

Why take casein before bed? ›

Summary: Overnight sleep provides a unique nutritional window for boosting the muscle response to resistance training -- without increasing body fat. Drinking a casein shake just before overnight sleep increases gains in muscle mass and strength in response to resistance exercise.

Does casein make you gassy? ›

When it comes to choosing a powder, you have a variety of choices: milk-derived proteins such as whey or casein, or plant-based proteins such as soy, rice, pea or hemp. If you are lactose-intolerant, try to avoid whey and casein as their lactose content can lead to increased gas.

How does casein affect the brain? ›

Milk casein may regulate CRFR- and NMDAR-dependent HPA activation and neurogenesis-related markers with anxiolytic effects. In addition, the expression of inflammatory mediators, such as iNOS and COX-2, in the brain tissue was strongly associated with UCMS and casein treatment.

Does casein cause inflammation? ›

In this experiment, casein induced an inflammatory response similar to that elicited by cow's milk. These findings suggest that casein elicits an inflammatory response similar to that elicited by gluten in patients with coeliac disease.

Does Gold Standard pre workout expire? ›

Does pre workout expire? (The quick answer) Like protein powder, fat burners and other dietary supplements, pre-workouts will tend to have a use by date printed on the tub. If your pre-workout is beyond this date, yes it has expired!

Can I use 2 year old protein powder? ›

Meaning, after this date, the product is generally safe to consume but can be lower in protein content due to degradation of the product.” Henigan says that most research indicates if your protein powder is properly stored (no extreme temperatures or humidity), it should be safe to consume for up to two years.

How long does Optimum Nutrition Mass Gainer last? ›

One 6 lb (2.72 kg) bag of Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass contains approximately 16 servings of 2 scoops each, or 32 servings of 1 scoop each. Therefore, if you take one scoop per day, a 6 lb bag of Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass would last you approximately 32 days (or a little over a month).

Does protein powder actually expire? ›

It's safe to consume your protein powder after the expiration date, unless it shows signs of spoilage like rancidity. However, even if your protein powder doesn't show any signs that it's gone bad after the expiration date, its nutritional quality may still be compromised.


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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

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Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.