Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida (2024)

ige Twelve ST. PRTFRSRITRn TTVTPS WRnxiBcniV mav on ion ST. PETERSBURG TIMES WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1931 Page Thirteen T7 K7 "J-I Vr-l C7T1 5s. rssr. i i I If OK SALE AIRE LISTED IE CLASS LEGAL NOTICE IFiCATION 147 ST4TF PRIinilfiF 0RY 0FFICERS Governor Signs TRADERS APPLY NEW Y0RK quotations Revenue Bonds Confiscate Money NEW YOHK.

Mc n.f AM Follow Refunding Bin Ing is a partial clolng list of tod' Rinuu 1 uu mi iwas, way tri transactions on tho New York stock LEGAL NOTICE mats fine." He looked at his em na nge Fifty prohibition afrents, Jed by TALLAHASSEE, May Males (Hits.) High lw Close NOTICE TO CREDITORS watch. it Is getting late now yon BRAKES; STOCKS REMAIN STEADY RADIO OUTLAWS I Governor Carlton today signed two Adams Kp 13 1.1 it. IN COURT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE 77 77V 8 3 Revenue .1 149.65 92.347 83 19,000.00 til Air J.edUc DO'i 71 Alleghany HAVING disposed of my store the Robl-son Bargain Shop at all th St. I want "to sell my property. Six room furnished bungalow, bath, electricity, gas, city and well water, paved street, santtsry sewer.

Can be bought cheap. Gertrude Rnhlson, 1450 3rd Ave. No "VERY On and well furnished hom*o In beautiful Woodlawn. Five bedroom, Orients! rug, cut glum nd everything which goe With flne home ir )' by the month If sou like. Also i horn.

furnace heat, cheap FRAME COLONIAL HOME RECEIPTS: Cash on Hand Taxea Police Court Fines Kl in tLLAS COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA Col. George Seavers of 8an B'ran-cisco, descended on this front let-town fatewfty to the site of the proposed Hoover dam, snd raided all speakeasies and roarlhou.ses today. acts of the 1931 legislature, both ot state-wide importance. One extended the time for refund- 114'A 111 lit aiiis i nrnt a- i'i in ALIMONY QUEENS By VERNIE E. CONNELLY (Copyright by the Associated Newsuapera) AIIU t'h Ml 21 It 24 29 Dog Licenses 4 98 Daily Shipments and Quotations as Recorded for Florida are sought 10000 lt.lOiOO 18 14t.lS t.TM.W tl04.53T.3l Receipts Total Balance April Receipts Revenue 1I9.6S I 4,692.34 57,29139 31.049 44 1.703.2S 4UW.SS 343.75 3.14T.TT 1.447 77 6T.50 1.035.70 JM.30 42.00 339.95 110.

15 319.10 rTiftTil TR.6T4 21 31.392 37 U.140 O0 W.OOODO 56.70 J6.10 26t.lt 6.M9.94 $108,137 08 natl better be running along, hadn't you? I'll send the car for you at "The caf!" She looked dismayed. "You haven't forgotten my dinner party, I hope? If you have, I am not. flattered, especially when you consented to act. ns hostess." ilng municipal, county and district Board, Prisoners, County, etc. 1,500.00 1.400.00 360.00 rent.

Ak for Mr. Smith. ttutten-Perry Hle To ill Fourth Street South Phone 91 Impounding Fees 3 Confiscate Money ft 319.10 INSTALLMENT XUI 14 again, preparatory t0 leaving. "Will 8J CAREY CUBAN SNYDER DIKS CHICAGO, My Carey Urban Snyder, president, of C. tf.

Snyder Co molsasea distributors, died at New York last night, aged 60. "Please don't leave like that," Claire begged. "I want you to keep 11 'A I'A 41 13 11 13 11 33 I 39 13 49 "it was the rush of bu.slncsa that 42 1: 1 10 19 26 20 i 93 72 41 483 16 28 1 27 81 19 13 30 14 8 17 11 18 17 2 9 IS 93 26 44 24 23 I 82 43 13 1 1 19 i 20 27 93 73 42 43 11 29 11 17 91 19 19 30 11 8 17 t3 18 19 1 9 21 81 39 40 21 29 9 83 FE0ERAUGENT5 Four "Policemen" Keep Un THIS IS YOUR CHANCE Our completely furnished homa Including Stelnway grand piano and omental rugs la to be sold at a fraction over what the furniture cost. Situated In the most beautiful section of tho North Shore restricted area. The home has four bedrooms, largo sleeping porch, two baths, beautifully proportioned living room, fireplace that draws, hardwood floors.

In perfect condition, marvelous 38 Revenue Bonds Due to Other Departments Unanticipated Confiscate Money 45 11 10 19 20 21 28 93 7S 43 41 17 29 1 27 83 II 19 33 IS 4 18 "4 10 23 8.1 27 40 29 28 88 41 173 that account." I I 19 9914 19 'i 43 3 30 KM 13 11 3H nti 1 31 14 80 171 117 82 28 1 20 1(2 "But why? Just because you BUILT -NOT THROWN TOGETHER CORNER, on one of the best avenues south of town, near Ith 8t, and Roser Park achool. Containing downstairs larga living room, dining room, breakfast room, kitchen, reception hall and lavatory, also two screened porches; second floor, three large bedrooms and modern bath. Two-atory. two-car garage with four rooms and bath on second floor. Price tn, 500 less than one-half original coat.

BEIL EDGAR Phone 5519 178 Central Ave, IN RE ESTATE OF Louise Helns, Deceased. TO ALL CREDITORS, LEGATEES, LMVS? ANn fkR- MANDS AGAINST SAID ESTATE: You, and each of you, are hereby notified and required to present any clHlm or demand which you, or either of you, may have against the estate of Louise Hrins deceased late of Pinellas County, Florida, with filing fee of 25c, to the County of Pinellas County at his office In the Court House Clearwater, Florida, within twelve months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Said claim or demand must be duly sworn to. And you should file with the undersigned a copy of said claim or demand. Dated, This the 5th day of May, A.

81 Heavy Liquidation Stops and Closing Quotations Remain Unchanged By JOHN L. COOLEY (Aiioeiatod Preta Financial Editor) -VEW YORK. May 19.Th brake mt applied to the stock market' decline, today. Although many prominent Issue touched new low during the irregular price movement, strenuous selling pressure was nhsent, and enough short you make arrangements about Bonnie Lass?" Claire jumped to her feet, her own personal problems forgotten. "Roger, please don't insist.

It Is better for both of us that you keep it. it helps to give me back niv self-respect think I need it! No, thank you I 48 can get plenty of business by my 197'i 170 der Cover in Search for Mysterious Station bonds rrom 30 to 6i years. The other made the state inheritance and estate tax law. Mgned by tha chief executive last week, retroactive as of November 4. 1930.

the date of its approval by the voters of Florida. The bond refunding act will take effect July 1, 193L It was hailed its supporters in the legislature as one of the greatest relief measures of the current session. Sponsors of the bill maid it would enable cities, counties and taxing districts to refinance themselves in the same manner employed by an individual. The refinancing act waa known as Senate Bill 228; the retroactive inheritance and estate tax measure as House Bill 294. DIVISION OF FIRE April, 1931 self.

Ji may take me a little time, but I'll do it." i.ucrien. nooms are spacious and well ventilated. The cleanliness and attractiveness of the entire property Invites you. Come out and see us anv time after II m. 636 uth Avenue Northeast.

163 John Msnvtlle 1 Kayaar (J) 3 Kelly Spring 43 Kelvinalor it9 Kenneoott 190 Kresge (8 H) H9 Kreug ft Toll 302 Kroeg Oreo 1 ijehsaan Corp 8.1 Llgg ft My 130 LOw 2 Loos- Wlls His 102 Lorlllard ll'i 8 lrfuls (1 A 3 Ludltim Hie 4 Mack Truck 18 Mtv (I! II) 8 Marine Midi 6 Malh Alkali 14 Mapt Dept St 44 Mes Seas, oil 7 Miami 1 op 9 Midland Steel 24 Mo Kan 4t Mo ri Mont gom Ward 14 Mooo Met 11 Murray Corp 13 Nah Motors 142 Nat Biscuit 12 Nat. Cash A 114 Nt Dairy Pr 4 Nat rust 111 94 Nat Pw ft Lt 18 Nev Con Cop Ill Central 34 ft 1 Norfolk ft 288 North Amer 2 No Am Ailat 34 Northern Psc 84 Ohio Oil 4 Pacific Light 97 Packard Mot 4 Psn Am Pete 10 Param Puhlis 22 Prnlok ft Ford 32 Penney (J C) 11(1 Peon 17 PhlUt ft 1 47 Phillips Pet 23 Procter ft Cam 84 Puh ser 38 Pullman 14 Purity Bk 111 114 49 81 28 28 1 1 24 aiiu what? There la no other "Roger it isn't because you need it entirely. I know you will Approp. Balance Approp. 11,671.93 WASHINGTON, May 19, Fpl reason.

As to the alimonv you are DISBIRsem*nTS Revenue Bonds I bungalow, unfurnltheti, to Oct. ft very cheap. Also 6-rm. furnlthsd fine, to Oct. 1 or yr.

Big lawn, Una homa. Vry cheap If taken now. After p. 13th St. No.

t-I5M. HOIfE In htgh arkeal section. 125 per venr 'round. Quite nice. TV MAN WH.t.lNOHAM INC.

47 1st Ave. No. Ph. 4I4S S-room bungalow, i bedrooms, day-bed, acreened porch, wood tove, gas. electricity, garage, convenient school.

ISSS 4th Ave. South, by year III. Owner 1J4 17th Ave. go. 1'ial WANTED Responsible party to rent five-room furnished bungalow, garage, schools.

Newton near 9th, 25, by year. Six-roam furnlahed bungalow, gangs, JSnd Ave. near Euclid, year. Burlington Ave. Ph.

74-5ti3. Mi" COZY S-room attractively furnlahed bungalow; 2 bedrooms, screened porches, asrage. I will rent at 131.60 month yearly rental. For further particulars call 519 2nd Ave. No.

1I1. 144', think me foolish-it's about alimony. 134 foolish. 1 wanted to tuke care of 13 policemen or the ether," who! movements are shrouded in strli 3 1 1 3 You see I lived among those women (148) Lots For Sale (148) 191 208 19 14 14 to whom alimony was the reason for a mon's existence. Ami got secrecy and whose names will not divulged by the radio division of i TWO splendid high and dry lots near 7 89 7 FRANK M.

HEIN8, 1006 21st Ave. RAW SUGAR NKW TOPK, May sugar was auiettr today. Th unsettled refined situation seemed to chstk new huslnes and refiner showed little Interest, while offerings wers more liberal with some duty free vllattla at concessions of l-32e qr at 3.23 delivered. Th" unsettled refined altuatlen and the more liberal offerings In th spot market had a decreasing effe-t In future, snd prlees were eaaler, eloslng nt net losses of 4 lo 3 points. Th day's business aggregated only 17.260 tons.

May rinsed 1.13: July 1.14: Sept. 1.18; let 1.35; Jan. 1.38; March 1.42 and May 1.49. Peflned was unsettled. The announcement of advance to th hist of 4.59 tonight hy some of the refiners vaster-day, was not only rescinded but was followed by a redtietlnn to the basis at 4 3 5 17 19 18 83 64 Dtsburs.

Total April Disburs. lTi73.93 1107.739.08 t0.00 18.180.00 8 18.017.93 ti25.SOS.OS Receipts Total April Receipts 2,310.30 9,504.91 11,02.03 8 9,504.01 $118,372.33 1M50.00 12.00 9,504.91 $137,034.33 921 AnKfia 4 Am far A Fdry Am Chicle 3 Am Coml Al 51 ti Am A Kgn l'ow 1 Am Loco 9 13 Am Internstl 1 Am Metal 29 Am Pow Lt 14 Am Itad St San 39 Am lloll Mill 39 Am -nieii 24 Am steel Fdrs Am Sugsr fief 731 Am Tel A Tsl 109 Am Tob 36 Am Wat Wks 233 Anaconda Arm of III I Assd Qds 34 Ath A a 13 Allantie Kef 13 Aviation Corp 172 Anhurn Attto Baldwin 63 Bait A Ohio 47 Bendls Avlat 1 Best A Co 261 Bethlehem HI! 9d Borden 43 Brlggs Mfg 14 Borg Wsrner 11 Budd Wheel 23 Burr Ad Ifeh 2t flyers Co 3 calumt A Arts 11 Calumet A Mae 20 Canada (I Ale 104 Canad Pee 3 case (J l) 13 Caterptl Tr 15 Cerro de Pas 1 Checker Cah 92 Chea A Ohio Corp i Chi at a i' do pfd Chtr 79 Chi Bk Is 1 Child Co S3e Chrysler 4 Coca Cola 9 Col Fuel A Iron. itt cotum A RECEIPTS: on Hand Taxes IT avenues, ree and dear, for 1150.00 each. street, Side-iv alas. Water, Lights and Gas all In HUM futlv naii! 174 17S a closeup that nauseated me in the majority of cases.

They lead audi department of commerce, are loo! lug for "outlaw" radio station. Antic. Revenue 2,310.30 187.090.M 43 Balance Revenue 71,038 85 Tl. 028.65 tS 'ft North, St. retersourg, Florida.

Carolyn Talcott, 690 64th St. South, St. Petersburg, Florida. Administrators with thee will annexed. 8 41 1 useless, futile lives.

Their husbands Jest long. See F. Bums Realty NEAR ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL 1442 20th Avenue North OPEN 1 to 5 p. m.

DAILY Delightful five room bungalow, fully furnished. Extra large bedrooms. Attractively decorated. Two-car garage. A home yott will be proud of, on a quiet street where the children will be in no Florida as well as other points In tl eighth radio district.

Jo ntug. i-none M7.i. have to work hard to rapport them in luxury, and in a lot of instances 18 9 Revenue Bonds Unanticipated TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN 21 You will please take notice that the The quartet are the dire tion of Supervisor Walter Van Nol Hand who maintains district heal 39 JACKSONVILLE, May fobbing quotation, representing nalea by Jobbers lo retailers on Jacksonville market, as reported to the state marketing bureau. Supplies of Florida vegetables heavy, demand light to moderate, market generally slightly weaker, increasing accumulation ol unsold vegetables. Fruits and Vegetables From the following fruit and vegetable prices, express and commission should be deducted from consignment to arriv at probable return.

Tuesday' selling market: Beans, bushel htimper, bountiful, fair lo good quality, slow .7891.00. Beans, bushel hampers, giant Mrtng-leaa, lair to good, alow 1.00Q1.25. Limn bean, bushel hampers, ordinary lo fair 3.00 IM. Blueberries. Florida crate, no supply.

Cnbbiige, Florida medium to large, green round per docn mostly Celery, Florida crates, 3-ta, washed mostly a.SOIjM.W. Corn, bushel hampers, fancy slower nostly 1.511. Cukes, bushel hampers, choice slower mostly 1.00. Kugplant. bushel hampers, medium aiaes, ordinary to fair, few l.Mfltt.SB.

Eggplant, standard pepper crates, ordinary to fair, few 1 2.2S. Grapefruit, bulk fruit, largely supplying market bushel, mostly Orange, bulk fruit, largely supplying market, bushel, mostly 1.80, Okra, Florida bushel hampers, asking 4.W04.5O. Peas, (Seorgia bushel hampers, Eng-lisl, ordinary lo good, few 1.25!.75. Pea, bushel hampers, black eye, ful; weight, good quality mostly 180. Pineapples, imported standard crates, medium to large aize, mostly 4.094J1.2S.

Pepper, bushel hampsT. medium to ordinary to fair 1.502.55. Peppers, standard crates, small to (151) can't remarry again, because they haven't enough to take care of two put It out of my mind," she admitted. "It Is a good thing you rememberedyes, I had better hurry." "I'm leaving now, too. I'll drive you home lhat will save you "Thank you, I appreciate it She hurried buck to her office and called Roger, She hud forgotten that Johnson wus giving this party, ami he'd asked her to help him.

it wus always thut way. Rogef ha.l the power to muke her forget anything, anybody. "Hoger this Is Claire. I'm sorry, but I forgot a previous dinner engagement. I'll have to postpone our "Claire, don't go getting cold feet I really want to have a sensible talk with you." "I'm not, RogerIt isn't that.

I am telling you the truth." "All right. But I am going to stop at your apartment for a few minutes you can't refuse to see me. You won't be leaving before seven, 1 know." Claire did not dream, when she talked to Roger, that he wouW be waiting for her when she got home. If he had only gone Inside the lobby, it would not have mattered. But when they drove up and Johnson got out of the car with her, P.oger's tall figure loomed up In the dusk of the quiet old street.

"I'll send the car back," Johnson DAM CONSTRUCTION UPHELD WASHINGTON, May law authorizin? the construction of Hoover dam on the Colorado river was sustained as. constitutional today by the supreme court. (151) Real Estate For Exchange 29 undersigned Guardian of Marjorie C. Kemp, a minor, will at 10:00 o'clock danger while playing. Can be purchased on easy terms.

Don't fall to see this WHAT THE STOCK MARKET DID Tues. Mon. Number of advance 1S r8 of decline iZl SI0 Hto(K unchanged ss 129 Total laatic traded 717 7fi7 covering and Inveaement support filtered in to give the list a sleadler tone. The composite embracing 0 lamiea closed unchanged, despite the Wreak by the utility group to a new IS31 minimum. fUila showed to better advantage, notwithstanding the poor April earning statement by Union Paclflc The weakest, sections in the decline of the lat hour were the amuaemenU and merchandising Issues.

Sale totaled i.SOfl.OW) shares, (he largest volume since May J. United States Steel common opened en eighth lower, crossed par In a morning rally, but evcnttmlly broke to a new low. The flnul diinlatlnn families. It wouldn't be so bad, if you and still do for thut matter, whether 1 am married to you or not." "You are very selfish, then, In wanting to be the only generous one among us. Why can't you give me the satisfaction of throwing the account your way?" Roger considered this, while Claire waited, tensely.

Presently he said, "I'll tell you what I'll do, Claire. I'll keep the account if you will let me split my net commission with you." "Jn other words, you want to give me back ray alimony!" "Nothing of the kind. You've earned it and you deserve it. Besides it is the only arrangement to which I will consent, so you might as well ugree to it. Otherwise, I'm through." "All right." Claire said.

"I can use quarters in Atlanta. So cautious is the radio dlvialj A. M. on the ISth day of June, 1931 present to the Honorable Harry STREET LIGHTING 38 37 42 81 10 18 21 3 28 39 21 24 1 39 39 4 7 28 34 1,4. 19 17 home.

CHAUTAUQUA, N. Y. MORTGAGEE SALE-MAKE OFFER '-story 13-rm. house, Mock P. 1709 4Sth Ave.

North. Fruit trees and 'u1 elear. Will trade for good prop- with regard to ihe men who are col Hewitt, County Judge of Pinellas County, Florida, at the Court House at t'learwaler, Florida, Its petition for it served any good purpose if it made the women any better or finer but it doesn't. It ruins whatever character they happen to possess. ITnlpss thsv lit.

nail umi Tea i niess mey are like Uail 28 13 10 DISBURsem*nTS Six Splendid Homes Within 4 to 4 blocks of the Post Office, east of Sth either for summer or yearly rental, tii to $50 per month. C. M. ROSER 695 Central Avenue tJiicxing the search ln Florida ad ,1 .1 Disburs. April 6,931.87 Receipts April LEGAL NOTICE rty nere and assume mortaace.

mat it naa it WBYMAN WI LLINQHAM INC. 35 Approp. Antic Revenue 9,200.59 110.462.02 Total Disburs. 74.1S9.08 Total Receipts 7.200.59 68,809.37 Balance Approp. 48,473.63 Balance Revenue 2,000.00 41.9SJ65 atrueted them to keep their nam! 1st Ave.

No. Ph. 40111! you ste 937 Radio Con out or print and to avoid lettiil RECEIPTS: Cash on Hand Taxes their photographs fall into the ha 37 4 7 3 38 19 19 5.610.5$ TAKPON I i'rominent eti Methodist Ej began to arriv Ocala dlst ric ojiens Wedaet ocal church i ITomlnent a ('resident Lud )rn collejre, 1 iiarnett, of Ls tendent of Ch Douglas Baile leader of th peakers on th of some of th the state. The session afternoon, wh Kogers, presid trlct, will coi and the addre made by the the local Me meetings will Thursday and Reports of the various ac including the the orphanagt and the variou cational board; day program, gates are expe trict. confereni visitors.

The official representatives Leagues, Miss men of the 21 well as speak from without The full pre is as follows: 3:30 p. dt jamin R. Rogt come. Rev. Springs; 4 ot ports of pastoi Wednesday i sermon.

Dr. A water; sacrami per. 37 44 83 11 18 8 91 38 J9 38 29 71 28 1 1 38 37 4 714 19 19 19 Ji 18 14 7 84 18 23 12 3 9 9e 80 42 4 39 4 .1352,713.90 179,626.49 oesutlful shrubbery. BAYNARD BROTHERS REALTY A INSURANCE CO. INC.

HIGH SCHOOL SECTION Nice bungalow on corner lot; 2-car garage; full sized lot. Will sell for 650 cash, buyer to assume tans and assessments. FOl.EY-CARTER. INC. Realtors Insurance of strang4rs.

These precautions a i REPORT OF CITY FINANCES FOR APRIL, 1931 CITY OF ST. PETERSBURG; FLORIDA, Revenue Receipts City Income Revenue Payments Running Expense Excess of Receipt Non-Revenue Receipt Bonds. Trust, etc -Non-Revenue Tayment Capital Expenditures 31 8 11 29 29 III 31 45 7 4 63 78 'rj 34 27 16 13 21 7 33 13 1 28 48 IS ir, 48 8 21 4 12 4 42 7 10 7 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA Business property to trade for St. Petersburg business property. Will pay rash difference or assume.

Indiana property from tS.000-t5e.000. Will trade any or all. Box R-S9 Times. autnority to sen at private sale all of the right, litle and interest of said minor in and to the following described lands, situate In Pinellas County, Florida, to-wit: Water lots One 1), Nine (9) and Eleven (11) of thase A Howard's Subdivision according to plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Hillsborough County, Florida, of which Pinellas was formerly a pa rt. 5,810.68 75,709.96 48,952.65 taken, it was pointed out, to 323 Radlo-KelthO 8 Rsybeste Man 27 Reining Rand 31 nepunllc 73 Rey Toh 3 Rich OH Cal 40 Royal Put Sh 97 Safeway St.

JS I.e.. rt 14 St San Fr runners una otneis spsM 73.0S7.34 ...1308,443.36 2Ta.TM.lS 148 130 14 14 as 9S, oil Other leader new minimum at one time )t another included Katman Kodak, she hasn't let it make any difference with her." "There aren't many like Gail, I grant you," Roger agreed so heartily that it made Claire wince. "But what has all this to do with you and me?" "Simply this I feel that I did you a great injustice by accepting alimony from you. There was no earthly reason why I should I mean the money. If you want to be foolish AVIATION BOARD April, 1931 ing illicit stations from known? identity of the inspector it and quixotic It is your own financial Mtierican ieieuhone.

rmon Paeir 1st Ave. North Phone 4109 Disburs. nlon Carbide, Corn loss. ferreting out their lawless actlvi 7 94 18 23 12 HAVE free and dear bungalow, practically new to trade for good close In home. Will assume mortgage not too large.

Address Times Box R-4B. Approp. I 10.465.00 27.655.17 $859,157.16 4tt.414.65 April 97 3 34 9 93 7 29 34 34 48 3 1 61 79 2 17 10 12 8 13 49 1 26 49 14 15 80 21 4 12 9 4 44 79 10 30 7 17 31 35 18 11 31 19 21 40 10 i 42 2 7 47 Balance Approp. I 3,141.61 348 gr Roehuoi Excess of Receipt Total Receipts for April. 1931 Total Payments Total Excess of Receipt Thanks, D.

Hathaway. I apologize 48.85 ii was commented that the. lai 32 8 42 24 25 12 33 41 7 62 77 34 27 1S 14 21 7 12 48 1 27 4 18 18 17 4 2 1 12 5 43 7.1 9 29 7 17 83 11 34 17 10 33 11 13 39 9 4 8 42 1 46 gPLENDIb VALUES Unfurnished bungalow three bedrooms, large porch on Burlington near 23rd lit, per month by year. Nicely furnished, well arranged bungalow. 3 bedrooms, airy and cool.

High school section, near Central 2Slh St. 140 per month by year. For appointment Dial 74-5S3. A COO I. SPOT Garage large living room with 6 doors, 3 windows, 2 porches, 2 bed-looms.

113fi liith Ave. So. L. gCHOKLHOKK may call at The Times business office and receive a free ticket to any show playing at the Florida within the next four days. DISBURsem*nTS Gas and Oil 613.55 for taking up a busy executive's breakers are frequently "rough Total Disburs.

7,333.39 1.587.12 3,880,61 Receipts Receipts THE CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. Guardian of Marjorie C. Kemp, a minor. AITFiI'? R- THOMPSON, Attorney. 100.742 51 NICE LOT on North Side, for bungalow on South lows who would not hesitate time us 1 have done, i ll call for you 128 colum Clraph 29 Colum "srt 'oml Credit 2 Com Invest Tr S3 Com! gel 27 Comwlth 80 1 Congoleum Nal 237 'on4l ia 3 ont Bl; A 31 Contl Csn 194 Contl Ctl Del Corn Prod 3 Cot 248 Curtis Wright "bump off" officials on their trail 1.131.40 February April 24 7 93 18 23 13 I 9 99 II 49 8 90 9 3 4 111 70 $2,000 VliG IN $2,000 Think of it! 5 tin, and bath fur.

two car garage and .1 apts. In tear; only IS hlks. from 4th and Central. A real opportunity. See Mr.

Dearmin, but hurry. The UPHAM Co. Realtors 29 Fourth St. S. langeiine.

out a wsys. See MR. DAVIS With Mrs. R. Morehouse, 354 Fourth St.

N. why you should have paid me, had only been your wife six months The Revenue Account include the "General" Account, Finance Department, Public Works Department, Waterfront, etc. Also Public Utilities jai4 Plant. Wter Plant and Munlr'nal Rallwavs said, and got back in and drove away without appearing to Instruments in (Jam rroducf. Liggett nd Myer and rennylvani tlallroad.

Telefklione rallied net. Southern I'aciflc was stronger. Warner Fox, Da to mount, Corn Product, Woolworth. Columbia Ja and American Tobacco closed 1 pdlnts lower. Texa profited by covering when the direct-ore cut the quarterly dividend from TS to cent Iruttead of omitting the payment entirely, a had been rumored.

There mere fractional advance 3 83 II 49 9 93 9 3 Revenue Revenue T.465.00 3,000.00 aenei in, 18 Shacu'k tP 45) 19 shell t'nion 1 3 Simmons Hi Sinclair Cen 8 Skelly on 22 South cat Kd .14 South Pac IS So Su 23 South Rail 5 Sparks With 30 Stand Brands 43 gt a ki S3 St Oil Cl larse size ordinary to fair I.Zavl.l The men engaged in this constal RECEIPTS: Taxes Airport Revenue New potatoes, bushel hampers. 'BUss Extraordinary Expense, etc. But it does not include debt accounts, trust rreintit a 1 t.ri nt hfn 'i nit at" t- a 1 1 i Revenue Revenue 1 2,119.39 M4.T7 2 3,304 15 380.36 340.40 4,646.81 2,018.33 Trl impha, No. Is few. slow 1.0041.21.

lookout for radio stations that rtcCoUnts; depreciation or Taxes Balance Receipts Disburs. Balance operating without being authorizl bushel hamper, all types few 1.00. Souasli. bushel hamper. yellow 17 FREE AND CLEAR 5-story frame, near Ave' No' arld of M.

100-ft. lot, 2-car garage. Take 2-story house farther out and assume small mtg or pay some cash diff. See Dearmin THE UPHAM CO. Reaor 39 Fourth It.

So. by the federal radio commission 124 1 10,465.00 720.76 123.72 FOR KENT Nice, well furnished 4-room and beth bungalow, very conveniently arranged, at. very low rent until Nov. No children. 2H0S Mb Ave.

No. 83 8.660.84 545.00 1.843.79 Due to Other Departments Gas and Oil NOTICE OF OFFERING FOR SALE OF RECEIVER'S CERTIFICATES LSHA.M P. BY ROM, as Receiver of R. M. Hall Development Company, a Florida Corporation, Welsh Development Company, a Florida Corporation, L.

R. Webber and Hall Building, a Florida Corporation, appointed by the Circuit Court of the Sixth Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida, in and for Pinellas County, in a cause now pending, wherein Union Trust Company, a bankinsr 9 tor back and forth across Ihe teri Ii 33 9 VV'K OFFER a two-story house with sun room, 3 bedrooms, bath, garage. Furnished. Slid Ave. North; largo lot.

Price $4,000. SMITZ (Not Smith! No. 4 Arcade 626 Central Ave. 134 St Oil lory over which their vigilance 139 141 844.48 9,049.61 REVENUE ACCOUNTS: of Health Divieion of Police Division of Fire Finance Department Public Works Department Aviation Board Food Handlers' Division exercised. Sensitive instruments thl 12 crook necks, small to medium fancy 1.0091.25.

Squash, bushel hampers, yellow crook neck, ordinary -quality, mostly .75431.00. Strawberries, quarts, Florida crates, nrdlmrv In fair, few around 2 St OH 11 Stewart Warn 4 Stone ft Wee 14 gtudebaker 33 will detect the proximity of a rarj March 4.907.4O 3,4,23.00 l.3s,30 TM15.44 11,254. 11 453.04 4.1S2.55 1J2.106.S5 329.141.15 61.590.34 10T.TTS.04 S.tll.2T April 2,768 13 1,809.78 11,125.21 77,651.77 7.423.T9 159.12 4,180 77 128.334.95 157.269.37 9.7,181.27 204.599.31 119.824.13 1.519.98 WILL SELL RENT OR TRADE Two acres of fine land near Pinellas Park and Haines Rd. Has house and garage Free and clear. Make offers.

901 3rd Ave. No station, whether licensed or not, a 290 Texas Corp at seven. By the way, may 1 have the address?" There was no avoiding him, when he was as determined as he seemed to be now. She wanted to accept his invitation and yet did not trust herself to maintain the stand she had taken Roger was more fascinating than ever, and she felt that she could give him such a love as she had never given him in the old days. Oure she risk seeing him socially? Roger waited patiently for her answer.

Finally, with a little gesture of capitulation, she drew a pad and pencil across the desk and jotted down her number. "Telephone number, too, please," Roger said. She wrote it down and handed him the slip without comment. She Corporation, as successor trustee is contained in each of their autor Sweet potatoes, sacked, per 100 Extraordinary Expense I was able and capable of working and earning my own living. But I was so hurt then.

.1 guess I lost my perspective. Now I know better and I am so happy that am able to earn my living again. I thought that if I gave you the Bonnie Lass account It would help to make up for the money I took and you could marry again if you wanted to." "Claire I've told you I want to marry you just you." "Yes, I know." She sat down In her chair and leaned her head in her hands. After all her spirit wns still weary with the struggle against her own emotions. Roger put his arms about her shoulders, "Claire, please don't be1 April 8,860.01 t.Tei.i 21 467.03 13,769.08 1,138.40 369.78 5.090.g7 ,228.22 28.090.36 34.290.39 24.672.36 6j931.87 $179,626.46 Diburs.

April biles. Although the Inspectors pounds Port-i leans best 75-S t.ou, Interest on Bonds Nt'MBKR FIFTEEN, the last today and It Is for Mrs. E. L. 20 S9 9 4 8 42 2 7 47 47 called "policemen of the air" one In Turner.

12 Tex tiulf sul 29 Tes Pa- Tr 12 Tide W11 As 9 Ttmken llet As 9 Tlmk Roll 3 Too Prod 73 Trans-America 7 Cnderwood Kll 35,177.05 10,000.00 180.00 126.72 Water Department Gas Department Mun, Rvs. Power Plant Street Lighting in aeneral Electric. Bethlehem. West-inghoue, Anaconda, Consolidated Vorth American and National Biscuit. The rapid flow of money Into United Statea government securities ent ev-eraj ieaue to record high and also maintained the upward trend of gilt edge corporate bonds.

Loadings of revenue freight in the week ended May ti dropped cars, a rather large decline, IVellnilnary estimate of steel ingot production mentioned a shrinkage of one to (wo point to around la per cent of ca-perlf), Wheat firm, closing to a cent higher. Cam gained '4 to ltd. The decl*tMf In, cotton was softened, although the market as sitll heavy. Net losses ranged from to 11 point. Sterling exchange strong.

cause they are on the watch for all FOR RENT Furnished 6-room bungalow with 3 bedrooms, garage; near St. Paul's school. Lease by tho year, mnmh. Apply 2o2 11th St No. FOR RENT to man and wife, unusually attractive, home for summer mouths.

Entire lower floor, with housekeeping privileges if desired, at very low figure. Large, airy, near hay, with family of two adults. Highest references required. P. O.

Box ATTRACTIVELY furnished bungalows. Modern. Five rooms. 126 per month. Four rooms.

121), and a partly furnished, four room bungalow at 112.50. 624 Second St. So. WILL KENT my close In. nicely fui tiona Illegitimately using the air 4S.853.77 notice Roger.

"Testy old devil! Roger said. "Roger, don't you see what you are doing You are going to make me lose my Job my (To Be Continued) JAI ALAI PARI-MUTUEL BILL GIVEN APPROVAL TALLAHASSEE. May IS. (JP)-The public amusem*nts committee of the Florida house of representatives today reported favorably a bill to license operation of parl-mutuel wagering systems al jai alai frontons. The bill, Introduced by Representative Chappell, Dade.

carried similar provisions to a race track bill introduced In the legislature. The house utilities commlt'ee voted, 7 to 1, to report unfavorably the bill by Representative Prlne. Polk, to establish a 2 per cent tax on gross receipts of public utilities April 6.T21.24 6.9S9.94 9,504.91 19,203.36 9.937.7 841.41 363.00 1.316.97 36.083.44 47.311.27 72.161.40 3fi.71S.45 8,610.53 1252,713.40 Receipts April 310 56 17,741.69 19. SO 67.95 124,772.19 79 14 1,820.10 7.043.65 TO CLOSE AN ESTATE In beautiful Euclid section we are offering a hollow tile and stucco home at a low price. It has three bedrooms, tile bath, eitra toilet and lavatory, oak floors, tile front and rear porches, and electric heat.

Tastily decorated anil In perfect condition; 2-car garage with laundry room and servants' quarters. Fruit trees on lot. I'rlco $8,000, with reasonable cash payment and balance on mortgage. Mann. The Real Estate Mann, Realtors, 21 (1th St.

No. communications, the process of BUNGALOW, 5 rooms and bath, 2 bedrooms. About 20 fruit trees. Store building on corner of lot. 150x13ft.

Will trade for farm close to Zephvrhllls. See MR. DAVIS with Mrs. R- L. Morehouse, 354 Fourth St.

N. jo urtlss Wr A 14 rel ft Hud 71 Drug tne 28 ru Pnot de Nem 219 Kastman Kod 8 Katon At ft 8 32 Klec Auto 23" Kl Pw ft Lt IT F.rle 1 First Nat gt 21 iflsk Ruhber 40 foster Wheel Fo Film A 23 Free port Tea 78 flen Am Tank 33 C5en Asphalt 771 fSen Kle 2" Food 343 Oen Motors ,9 11 c.en Poll gerv It ilm Refract Il (Sdlette gfu 97 field Dusi 4 'oodrP floodyear 11 'shsns Pate 21 Ht Nor Ry pfd SO fit West fa*g pf II Mahn Dept et 4 Hershey Choc 15 Moud Her 21 Houston nil new Hupp Motor 14 Indian Ref 2T Induat Rsy 9 colon Carbide Complainant, and R. M. Hall Development Company, and olhers, arc defendants, In Chancery No. 12916, will on Friday the 29th day of Mav, A.

D. 1931. at 9:30 o'clock A. M. sell at hla office at No.

511 Hall Building, Fourth Street and Central Avenue. St. Petersburg, Pinellas County, Florida, Receiver's Certificates of Indebtedness in the above entitled cause and upon properties In the hands of the Receiver in sold cause, in a sum not to exceed Thirty thousand ($30,000.00) ft. prehending the violators Is far frrl 1 nlon Pat 15514 1384 3.14 Call Aircraft tttl. 20.01 Balance March NON-REVENUE ACCOUNTS: Tomatoes, Florida 20-144s repacked, green and turning, wrapped, best mostly 1.7S4J2.50.

Tomatoes, Florida 4 12)-lt0s, ordinary to fair mostly 1.2f.2.0fl. Not: Poorer stock of some commodities st lower price than quoted here. Eggs snd Poultry The following egg and live poultry quotations are jobbers' average selling price, their buying prices are accordingly a margin lower. market- "ethereal." In the office ofDIrec 1 1 Cnit carbon 1-14 204, 70 31 119 12 88 40 19 49 38 14 13 53 20 40 44 1S 12 3 13 30 1 37 8 17 43 9 9.1 4 9 7 2 17 21 4 22 II 31 28 lerreu there is a model of ihe tyl 2 I'nlt t'orp Guaranty Funds lt.TM.Ofl 3 I nit Prul of car In which the inspectors mar 44 21 1 47 34 11 23 98 18 39 47 18, 11 33 13 24 10 18 4 44 91 iS 7 7 2 27 24 22 11 31 24 48 14 47 13 14 28 38 1 40 49 39 13 33 33 2 1" 8 47 13 8 IS 7 7 2 57 21 48 22 11 31 28 195 Celt 1st 63.465.95 Betty Tessler iheir rounds. in the last word winging runt! Special Assessments Certificates Paid in Trust 3 ind Al 20 Rubber scientific efficiency.

12.591.73 140.41 10,1011 77 Pipe Recording Charges Karr market steadv nn Florid fresh 1 Special Sinking Fund nlshed bungalow for June, July and August for 145 to desirable couple with satisfactory references. Everything clean, welt kept and homelike including all electric radio. Call anytime after Friday at Sll 11th St. So. (Cor.

Sth Ave. so. nth St.) GRAIN 4S 157 29 14 21 14 2 30 13 23 10 4 22 11 40 10 1 26 3N 4 63 ISnt.317.35 Balance April 19.031.S6 tl.210.64 12,611.69 940 41 in.322 36 22.9I4.2S 1,820.10 34,815.73 6.T35.41 402.S30.71 99,418.17 130.84 4.137.27 11,85.00 For ihe most part, Terrell aal the unliensed stations are roncel (rated along the Atlantic aeaboa A BEAUTIFUL HOME TO TRADE FOR A FARM unusually attractive corner home In tho finest part of the Euclid section, on a double comer lot with all assessments paid. Will trade for a 10 to 40-acre farm with a liveable house, In Pinellas, Hlllsboro or Manatee counties; must he hammock land. Will assume mortgage.

so stubborn sometimes I think that is all that keeps us apart. We could marry and have a think, darling -travel go anywhere in the world we liked do anything we wanted to do buy anything we 30.729.40 1,412.06 9.35 131493 434.00 639 84 felt that she would cry in a minute if he didn't go. 'Thank you." he said, and went out and shut the door. After a bit she remembered that Johnson wanted to see her. She looked at her watch, realizing to her dismay that it had been a very long I'H set, 14 3 97 4V4 25 4H lU 11 4 4: 8 94 se K'i it MS 44 35H 5 1' 79' im lti 54 42 '4 4S 41 9 gathered whites.

Insurance Trust Fund Eggs, fresh whites, produced in fund Florida, case lot. 42-45 pounds up, Tax Bond Sink. Fund No. 1 net weight, per doten .20. Notes Contracts Payable Eggs, mixed colors, shipped intoiFroien Account Reserve and the gulf coast.

They opera CHICAGO. May 19. -(- WATER DEPARTMtNT April, 1931 Receipts and Disbursem*nts OPERATING RECEIPTS: Sales i Fire Hydrant Rental Misc Revenue Merchandise snd Jobbing OPERATING EXPENSE: -20 Source of Supply: Water Purchased W-21 Electric Power Pumping: Labor 3S2.27 Supplies and Expense 27.94 Power Purchased 1,031.66 W-23 Purification: Supplies and Expense I SO Maintenance T.S5 W-24 Distribution: Labor. Supplies and Expense 417.10 Maintenance 1,197.33 -26 Commercial Meter Reading and Collecting VI -26 General and Miscellaneous: General Office Salarlea 117.92 Misc. General Expense 150.08 Transportation 301.84 Excess of Operating Receipts NON -OPERATING RECEIPTS: Services Meters Malarial Stores Refuml Ext.

to Mains NON -OPERATING EXPENSES! Meter! Services Extension to Mains Material Stores Hydrants General Equipment Excess of Operating and Non-Operating Receipts IV HI-AT PALATIAL NORTH SHORE HOME OPEN Ki'R INSPECTION 1 to 5 P. M. Daily 405 ISth Ave. Northeast Beatitirnlly located. Southern exposure.

Five large bedrooms, sleeping porch, throe baths. Extra large living room, sun room, library, dining room and kitchen. Electric refrigeration. Fully furnished, ready to move Into. See It today.

1112 Steel 41 United St, A. 93 CHI ft Lt A 848 Warner Put 12 WabMh 149 Vanadium 9 Western aMry 18 West fa Tel 11 Westlngh Air 488 West Kl ft Mfg. 134 Willys Over SOI Woolworth ttmially in the high frequencies uae both code and voice to eld Ms; 8,401.22 30.202.04 2,930.21 402.930.71 91,400.73 4,923. IT 3.3SS.72 12,913.11 desired. 353.70 118,289.60 79.14 3.101.22 2,430.00 2,114.80 111.199.S5 25.120.36 9,980.68 5,838.69 1278,788,19 1179,626.46 ATTRACTIVE, cool bungalow, very low rental for summer.

Five rooms and hath. Twin beds. Oarage, North side, close In. See Bill Carpenter, JI7 Hall Bldg. Dial tSSS.

Florida, case lots, fresh firsts, per improvement Funds new Advertising l.ibrarv Claire shrugged herself free from along 'heir messages. In one time, and he was doubtless quite Impatient by this time. She went to his J. H. STEVENS CO other than common carriers, which REALTORS Rental Mervleo dozen mostly .179.11.

Hens, live, per pound colored .22 1 Intern Rap Tr 8 lnt Hardest 2 lnt Hydro Kl A 31 lnt NLIt caa I Int. Halt stance, at least, a regularly HcaM General Insurance Mound Park Hospital Park Board would have been subjected ft) a 2 113,217.29 20.32T.T3 10.T29.3S S.TO6.443.36 1252.T13.80 Cor. 6th St. and 1st Ave. No.

Ph. 52-H4 (137) Offices, Desk Room (137) INDIAN RO dents and propt Rocks are hop commissioners through with chasint the Ind The commissioi they would apr lature this ter purchase the of making it a paid for. The Indian about 200 feet the mainland to Indian Roc! nearby beaches Poultry proc Indian Rocks, hurst vicinity at the fair grot day evening. Hens, live, per pound Leghorns AS'a station was employed for Illicit poses a In the case of W5NK. 29 Yell Tr ft 25.569.58 20.224.19 1 Haj JRN old new 30 lot Tel A Totsl soles l6S0.o61.9tl REVENUE ACCOUNTS fwai 707,7 IT.0T S04.34T.36 his grasp.

"I'm afraid you are thinking of the money, not me." "You would think that." "Howr could I help It!" "Probably you can't though it is unfortunate for both of us." Roger picked up his hat and coat once eu djt i naries Anarea, oi H4 dollars. Said Certificates are to be issued and sold under authority granted said Receiver by Order of the above enlitlod Court entered in said cause, the 1 fit li day of May. A. D. 1931, to which ntder, all parties Interested, are referred for full particulars, such of these Certificates not to exceed in amount Thirty thousand ($30,000.00) dollars, as are offered by the Receiver at the time and place staled, will be sold al par.

and bidders for said cer-'t if lea tea will be required to name in writing the amount up to Thirty thousand ($30,000,011) dollars they will take, and to name likewise in said written bids the rate of Interest at which they will purchase said certificates, anil such certificates as are sold will be awarded to the lowest' bidder or bidders. The Receiver specifically reserves the right to reject any, "or all bids, without notice or cause. Bids may be made for less than the maximum amount of the Issue of certificates, hut in multiples of not less than One. thousand ($1,000.00) dollars. Interest rates will not be considered In loss multiples than less than one-quarter of one per cent.

All proposals or bids for the purchase of such certificates must be enclosed in a sealed en Orleans, an amateur. Andres Fryers, live, per pound colored .3. Fryers, live, per pound Leghorns .32 4J.34. Broiler, live, per pound Leghorns wt cent tax on ross earnings. The house committee.

on cities and lowns reported favorably on two bills. One would permit city zoning. The other would permit cities to set up recreation and park planning systems. tl. 111.

321. 91 $569,157.16 1458.414.65 $1,512,064.42 NEW' YORK BOND QUOTATIONS mitted using the station for liquf ON 2ND AVE. NORTH I room and bath bungalow, I bedrooms, large front porch, garage, lot 46x127; all assmts. paid. Furnished.

Price $1,900, terms. VAN SCIVKR A SON, Realtors rhone S7-032 o. 1 Sixth St. No. (152) Wanted Real (152) Estate office, just a trifle worried and dubious over what he might say regarding Roger.

"Come in, Mrs. Dennis!" he said, when she put her head inside the door. "I've been waiting for you." "I'm sorry to have been so long, Mr. Johnson, but we were discussing some of the delajls of the account." "That's all right but, do you smuggling. His license recently wl 1,527.50 FINANCE DEPARTMENT 31.

revokd. High lw floee .91 .92 .98 .50 .99 9IU .91 J9T .99 .99 .5 .99 .49 .37 .16 jnu .37 .1714 97 .19 .39 .33 .39 .41 .41 .11 7.70 T.eo 1.77 7 7.78 77 7.7 I.3 3.40 9.13 9.4 April, 1931 250.00 330.00 779.50 108.00 267.88 104.63 42 44 2,098.75 4.33 2,75 LEGAL NOTICE a super-policeman of the at Approp. Disburs. Roosters, live, per pound CITRUS MARKET WANTED Five to 10 acres good land near city, fairly high with natural drainage, suitable for garden or fruit. Give location and best piice In answer Times, Rnx R-70.

will be on the job after July 1- SPACIOPS OFFICES TO MEET EVERY REQCI REMENT $16 PER MONTH Plenty of 4ght and ventilation; 14-hour elevator service; excellent Janitor service. Entirely fireproof; Terrattr.0 floors. Ideal for Doctors, Dentists and Laboratories, No Lease Required. THE NEW TIMES BUILDING 1st Avenue South Phone 6101 Balance Approp. 71,456.45 klnd of robot of the exceptionally April 14,867.17 3,532.74 3.066.42 liclent ype when the big monitrl DISBURsem*nTS: F.nance Garage Due from other Dents.

Reserve for Bad Checks Costs In Tax Suit sale of the mortgaged premises by foreclosure or otherwise. No priority shall exist between or among any of said certificates up to the total of Thirty thousand dollars, but any future certifi tiAT -M'. old July Kept Dec JIVK-May, old vtw July ept Dec LARD Msy July Herd BBI.I.IKS-Mv JUI.I 2.520,78 $3,100 Best buy In tbn Euclid section, close In and east of sth 5-room and tile bath bungalow, well furnished, on corner lot, Remember, the total price Is only $3,800. See Evans or Kill-gore, with ED WRIGHT, REALTOR 29 Third St North Phone 533 Ing station at Grand Island. Nel NEW YORK.

Mv 1. (T PalleW-ing today's high, low and closing price ef bond on the New Tork Stork eichange snd th total sale of each bond WJVKflNMEST noMi-( Dollars and Thirty -Seconds) Sales tin 11.994) Uign Low Close 14 Uh 32-9T 142.11 141.14 142.11 91 do 1st 4iS 12-47 10J.1S 193.13 193,12 59 do 4th 195.4 144.30 109 4 2 Trea 47-43 113.27 112.21 113.27 11 do 4s 44-S4 11.20 101.11 101.20 5 do 3i 4H-4S 107.11 107.11 147,11 4(1 do 39i 4tt-41 103.13 193.7 143.11 do 3s 43-47 103 14 143.14 143.14 start functioning. This is known I do Is 91 102 102 1' t6 Nor Pail 4a 111 110 110 10 do pr In 497 94 94 94 1 Or KUAN 4S61 97 97 9', l.Otls Stl 4.141 91 91 91 4 Tsn-A PATr -W34 101 101 101 3 Parmt Pub 6s5(l 60 99 nil Ji SS il 0 40 60 IS Pa RR 4s 49.. 192 101 101 70 do 4s 70 95 95 99 26 Phlla Co 5s7 103 102 lojti I Phil Ed Cat! 4S4I 61 67 97 12 Phil Pet il 31. 92 61 42 PCCAStL 11 101 101 4 Postal TA.C 41 60 41 1 Par Oil 37.

63 82 82 4 Reading g497A 141 102 102 I Rem Ist7ww. 74 73 73 11 Rbhfld 35 34-i xt 19.290.91 Ihe "Constant Frequency WANTED Close In property on easy terms. Bring your listing todav. WE ARE SELLING Well located homes constantly WHY NOT YOURS? ROWLES-WEBSTER CO. realtors 15 Fifth St.

South "WE DO BUSINESS" cates which might he issued in excess of the said sum of Thirty thousand ($30. 0.00. (Hit will be inferior and sub station" and will be the most powfl ftrt station for checkups of otH 21,467.03 Receipts April GAS DEPARTMENT April, 1931 velope, endorsed "Proposal for Ro- TAMPA. May 19. () Citrus market summary released by Florida Citrus exchange.

Tampa: Cars out of state today: Tangerines none: oranges 129: grapefruit 72: mixed IS; total 219. Cars out ot state to date: Tangerines 305: oranges 2S.652: grapefruit 24.473: mixed total 70,433. Today's price average: Boston: Valencias 5 cars, 2.19 5.45; mostly 3.T5, higher: grapefruit 5 cars, 1.883.50; mostly 2.252.4. unchanged. 0Mcgo: Valencia 5 cars, S.KQ 4.75, mostly 3.

7604.40, le. higher: grapefruit 11 cars, l.ni4J3.30; mostly 1.756 2.75. unchanged. ordinate in hen to the issue of Thirty Balance Revenue SOPTH SIDE Five room bungalow, furnished, 2 car gat age, front and rear screened porches, nicely shrubbed, only stations in the country. When outlaw radio stations FLYER'S DEATH BLAMED ON DESIRE FOR A THRILL OMAHA, May I9.a desire to give air meet spectators "a real thrill" was blamed tonight for the death of Charles W.

llolman. St. Paul, killed here Sunday jshen hla plane crashed In front of the grandstand while he was flying upside down only 20 feet off the ground, SOUTHERN PINES HOTEL IS DESTROYED BY FIRE nd Disbursem*nts OPERATING RECEIPTS: RECEIPTS: Cash on Hand License Bookkeeping reiver's Certificates" and directed to thousand ($30,000.00) dollars, herein Ish itii P. Byrom, Receiver, 51 1 Hall I mentioned Building, St. Petersburg.

Florida, and These Certificates are receivable at must he delivered to and In possession the option of the holder at par, plus of Hie Receiver prior to the time and I nccnipd nii i Gas Sales traced, the radio division turns ov Mei-chandif, and Jobbinr I 67,964.47 325 93 1,066.00 LEGAL NOTICE its lata to the justKe departme Interest on DaiK Balance Miscellaneous 69.345.40 (141) Wanted To Rent (141) or Lease WANTED TO RENT Furnished Bungs -low or apartment for month nf Julv or longer, give lowest rent, what It "intains and other particulars. Address Times. Ro li-ss. date hereinbefore stated. Raid Or- i bid at foreclosure sale of the above which is empowered to make sel think it Is a wise thing to do under the circ*mstances? There may be talk, if this goes on, and I certainly don't want that." "It was an accident his coming here today, "it won't happen again.

Ill handle It through Eckeley after this I promise you." She was obviously very much in earnest, and he was so enamoured of her that he was blind to much that he would otherwise have sensed. "All right, my deaf. I am sure you will handle the situation wisely. But 1 am sure you agree with me that It is best you don't have Roger coming here and for- your own peace of mind, it Is best that you don't see him at all, I'd say." "But I haven't. He didn't even Antic.

Revenue 37,804.42 80.000.00 35.000.00 2.000.00 817.80 1,000.00 20.0(1(1. ')0 t.OOD.ti') 4,000.00 10.167.77 84,936.12 8,347.23 mentioned property Total Disburs. $138,647.59 35,494.34 3,500.00 3,149.04 37.38 I17S.S2S.22 Total Receipts I 37,804.42 63,104.00 26,450.00 7, 3J2.tr. S47.SO 323.60 12.754.20 3.TST.45 2.4110 in.167.7T 24.150.26 3.347.23 $192,470.88 475.57 1.373.94 36,724,44 19,894.24 2562 2,572.31 162.20 1.0T8.I3 1,600.00 OPERATING 8,550.00 5,322. 45x 676.50 7,245.80 6.212.68 1.SSS.20 ItHlCACKl, Mv Wheat So.

1 hard No. yellow hard 70; No, 1 misted SI S3. orn, No. 1, mised l4: No, I il 4 No. 1 White fats.

No. While ItU-: No. whit fte. No. 1, 44.

Hai ley 37-S2. Tlmothyseed JS-d T5. Cleveraeed l.7S-'7 7S. Lard Ribs 1.17. Biillfe 9.37, ures sn-I handle prosecutions.

959.50 2,814.41 39.50 249.90 2.593.31 96 51 63 60 12 7 90 70 Detroit: Valencia 2 cars, 1.964$ 1 1 sto- H-Ctdj3 97 41 MLSF 4s 74 38 23 do pin 460 A 7 con 4 32. 11 36 SAI, eon 6 41 12 3 Se A Ela R6S.13A 7 4 Shell 1 Sail 80 Shell Cn 5sl9ww. 71 40 gin 0 Oil col737 42 97 64 os no 12 7 60 71 91 Telephone Franchise Fees Spa Solarium Ownerships Accounts Rec. Garage Delinquent Taxes Accounts Receivable ll.soo on easy terms. W.

H. Mitchell, Realtor. IS 6th St. South. Fhone 64-6B8.

MODE II 2-STORY HOME Close In on north side, corner lot, all ass'mts. npid 4 bedrooms and bath, garage. Furnished. Kpeiial price $5,000. VAN SCIVER SON, Realtors Phone 87-032 No.

1 Sixth St. No. $2,750 DOWN $25 per mouth Unhiding Interest buys 5-rnom bunyalow and garage, completely furnished; onlv It, blocks from Central Ave. In High School section. 1 I.

ES-WEBSTER CO. Realtors is Fifth St. So. J01 Sales (in tl. 000) High Low Close 9 Alleg ftp tl) II 91 3 Am Ag 79041.

104 12 43 AmwFP 91 91 9 Am 9a 10IS 11S HUH 7 Am IOC SVa4l 140 190 4 Am Intntl 6S1I. 971 97 97 2 Am Met 34. 44A 12 Am Smelt 447 103 1021, lO't 17 Am TAT 119 110 li do 5 46 109H 109 109 I do cvt 39 129 129 3 AmWWoYEl 103 1031, 103 1 Ang Cbil N. T4 1 74 10 Arrat stl's39 79 79 79 11 ATSF cvt IV6S4I 112W 112 112 Today's Radio Programs 3,926.11 10,786.56 A LADY, alone, experienced, desires rare of house for the summer in evchance for rent. References 1307 Bui lington Ave.

North. 2.156.25 7.00 885.36 877.50 i.ioa.ts 304.50 842.80 win Ufa I luiiB km vn Hie nrtn Issue ami draw interest from the date of sale and award, and will he payable on or before two years from date and will constitute a prior and superior lien upon the following lands, now in said Receivers possession, situate, lying and being In the County of Pinellas and Slate of Florida Lot Nine (9) and the west one-half IWU) of Lot Eight (S) Hlnek Thirty-one (31) Revised Map of the city of St. Petersburg. 91 TREASURY DEPARTMENT Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D. May 15th, 1931.

Notice hereby (riven to all persons who may have claims against The Central National Hunk Trust Company of St. Petersburg," Florida, that (lie same must he presented to A. M. Anderson. Receiver, with the legal proof thereof wiihin three months from this date or they may be disallowed.

W. POLK. Comptroller of Hie currency. 1 COTTON The property against these certificates will lie prior liens when issued and sold, is a modern six-story office building, located Mt the southeast corner of Fourth Street and Central Avenue, St. Petersburg.

Pinellas County. Florida, which property prospective bidders on Receiver's Certificates herein advertised, mav Inspect. Dated the 16th dav of Mav, A. IMl. I8HAM P.

BYROM. Receiver. ALLEN" C. ORAZ1RR, 39 do 6 38 102 1111 10 1. Members of Tourist club, at the Tourist by Mrs.

Dan S. arrangements 1 basket supper i municipal pier evening, May friends are to the afternoon at 8 o'clock br enjoyed- Those to bring their Several new to the club Tui Warren, vict ed with some after an inform; 500 was featun liott the chairn $208,104.01 15,633.16 FIXES, N. May, 19. LP) The Southern Pines hotei one of the older tourist hotels of this North Carolina resort was Heat 4V 4 Iwaatrr-4R3 a. tE Early Birda, 2,250.15 635.00 REAL ESTATE (FOR SALE) 4.15: mostly 1.193.

ID, unchanged: grapefruit 4 cars. mostly 1.25412.50, lower. New Vork: Valencia 61 cars, 2.1R4J 6.00; mostly 3.00 5.15, 10-38c lower: grapefruit 13 c8rs, .755.50, mostly 1.1594,00. stesdy. Philadelphia: Valencias 11 cars, 2.t58.20.

mostly 3.00 4.60. strong; grapefruit 4 car, 1.3S9 2.744. mostly 1.780 2.ti. loner. Pittsburgh- Oranges 3 cars.

1.35 4.60, stronger; grapefruit, lower. St. Louis: Grapefruit 3 cars. 1.350 2.90; mostly 2.0041 2.28. lower.

10.478.41 4T5.ST 342.87 3.903.10 2.863.11 1.041.47 56.78 well as the rents, issues and prof NEW YORK. May II. An open, log rlfcline In cotton today was fo. lowed rallies; further weakness snd a partial recovery on the closing ralfv In stocks. The general market cleeed steady at net declltios of to II point.

Hlffh t.rtw flM. ":1. MornliiK lifnoiloim, NBC; 7 Chpotio. NBf; l. Melodtea; 10.

Dtutl lrn((rani; K001I Prvgram, NBC; I snow mat was in St. Louis until; by (Ire early tonight. The loss was Reserve for Outstand Checks Stationery, etc Garage Unanticipated Unclaimed Wages Reserve for Bad Checks Costs in Tax Suits Interest on Revenue Bonds From E. O. I thereof, or any monies derived from Counsel for Receiver.

i "day. I estimate at (147) Houses pr Saje (147) 589 32 19.00 202,25 MornliiK Ilelty crock 810.t7 T.M1.83 NBC: 9 4i Ineidnital; 10. Mervbai KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES 8 9-4- OUT OF THE PICTURE M.TM.ST -Bv POP MOMAND of St. Petersburg flat lone M. in if.

Q-10 Production: Supt, and Labor Materials and Supplies Maint. Plant and Equipment Power Purchased 3-ll Distribution Expense: Operation' Maint. Mains and Services Matnt. Meters G-12 Commercial: Meter Reading and Collecting G-13 3enerai and Miscellaneous: General Office Salaries Misc. General Expense Transportation Excess of Operating Receipts NON-OPERATING RECEIPTS: Services Extensions Meters Material Supplies Consumers' Deposits Refund Ext.

to Mains NON -OPERATING DISBURsem*nTS: Meters Services Interest on Consumers' Deposits Material Supplies Refund Consumers' Deposits Refund Gas Sales Excess of Operating and Non-Operating Receipts Hour: 11, Miine Arprcelatliin Hour Srhoole; BuIIfilnn; IS, Bl-nd Hl(tiw of Melody; IS. 30. I tlonal Farm and Home Hour, NBC; 1 p. XttKlio proKram; 1:41, Inrldfnt ssay 9 05 8.93 July 9 79 9.04 October 9.14 I. IS December 9 84 9 89 January s.m March 10.M 9 1.11-13 9.44-45 1.84-88 19.161.78 $256,372.13 10 Kkclly Oil Is3.

43 42 42 1 So Bell TAT 5fH 104 inn, 10414 11 Sou Par- 4 48 55 94 91 54 So 4a OrLn77 IOO64 100 100 5 Sou Ry con 5s94. Ioku, 104 104 2 do gen 4s 54 79 77 2 Bell Tel 5s54 107 107 107 40 St Oil N.t db546. 10334 103 20 St Oil NY 4s51 98 9S 9S 3 Tenn El rf6s47A 107 107 107 119 Tex Crp 5 cvt44. 91 90 tl 27 Tex Pac 5s 80O. 93 92 93 67 Third Ave dJ5.i,0 35 34 34 1 tin Par 4s 47..

in2 inj 102 4 do gold 1 44 95 94 91 13 Cn Drug fl '113 101 101 101 I Rub SS4 7 44 66 69 I Htah PA 544.1 101 103 101 4 Ctll PAI. 6 59ww 46 65 66 i 62 5 14S Jf'5, 3 Wabash 4 78C 63 63 63 249 Warner 639 32 25 29 3 West El 9 44 16 mini 104 25 West Md 4s 12.. 77 76 1 West Pac 1 hi Si.44 74 78 T8 Wet tn 551 101 1114 Thtec Mm kf to fthuffJehMCrd itt, with 4 rooms, l.nth and Mr pir -h a-h. Just rde- orated Bt, ondttion. well furnished, fiwnei iwnnev.

win naorlfhe for Itjui Vti'T'iR JonPAN 5f." Flret Tel "'aorr a That'-? th'A UrE. I HOPE EDDIE MAteCT 64 do gn 4s 46 100 100 100 4 All GlftWl 659. 19 69 64 rfg 6s95 101 101 101 32 do cvt 4s 33 iai'4 100 101 25 do cvt 4 4s SO 30 so 90 6 Beth Stl "pm 530 194 104 104 65 BosftM 6s 07 10114 106 101 37 Rkln Tr 10J 11 102 I Rf Ren 10SV, 101 31 can 4s57 102 101 102 14 do 5s 9 July l7(4j 17 107' 4 Can Par 4H 60. 99 99 41 4 do deb 4 perp 89 99 44 4 Central Pac 96(1, 104 14 14 11 Certalntd 40 49 44 120 t'hessp frp 547.. 99 9914 99 1 '() rfg 4495B.

101 101 1SI 2. World Book Man and Theater 1 FRUIT ASH VEGETABLE MOS EMENT Florida frull and vegetable movement past 24 hours: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ivw. 2 15. Old I'olki at hom*o I'rogra I 2,530.00 30.00 A HIT WITH THESe ErJLln IMINOTC, I aiurr Ni.n Sti4fc :.30, t'hlraao Crronade, NBC; 3, Po April. 1931 WC MC PULLIrJcr IWTO UVfR PooL, CDD IC rlWD A "bUNCH OF RepoRTe' "Tt see you.

Ger Mzry ad hop okt Dee risht wy ill Meer yoo Pennington Book Review; Produce Approp. Disburs. 3.M6.00 dental; Bui Blue Boy; 4 ternattonal riehrnadraat. NBC: News pa pee 5uys! we CeftTAIULy tMED A lOT KB AH Mil; no LAKE Pfi-ond Ave Nttrth, Rootl f-l vp room Pn 1 1 "fl "li easy term. )ay and Hta Brown Jug ptorv NEW YORK.

May 11. fP Km Balance Approp. 7,390.15 $.276.02 32,259.66 24.115.61 1.185.76 variety; 5 1 a. Market, weather, 5 45, Klotida Chlropractora Hour 81,997. l'irm.

color sio.4 OF ftJBLlcny, AWDPICTORES ssp mm- 1 is DISBURsem*nTS: Director's Office Engineering Street Department Sewer Department Bnlldlns Department Waterfront nd Harbor Annual Cleanup Drive Amoa Andy, NBC; 8:15, Dlnn IN' IN THO PAPERS Mum. s.3, Phil Cook. NBC; I nvj ouN DOLL UP A 1lT I 33,160.13 9,026.01) 49.79fi.0H lS.X&O.OO 3,600.01) 130.28 11.165.00 3.88 1 nsii'ftni "I OtH' i 1 (Mi l-i iilental; fl, Bohl.y Jones, NBC: 7 NBC; 7:30, Chronl x.v-c in i I i i -m miai 1 mseiv aeiected neav ex-tr first 2-2l4j. first 19-19, medium firsts 17-1 7 '4, regular 1 1 estra 20(4-31, estra first M-lt. flrnt 19.

second 17-J7'3. medium firsts 18'i, nert hennery white mediums 11. nearby snd western regular packed closely selected hrrtwn stras tt-H. gathered brown estra 21-22. T.tOI.M 334.88 3f.ttl.tt (Trana); McCaaklll Friendly Fl April 1,490.15 660.0S 4.57S.87 4.592.17 H54.S1 940.02 371.12 I 13,437.02 75,00 267.06 I 13,769.04 Receipts April 4 west l' 5s no im ii 1 10 Wheel Stl 78 76 ft 2 W-Sp St cvt7s3Set 8 l'i 6 WHaonACo istOstl 9414 9 1 9411, 27 Yngstn SAT 's78.

100 10(1 100 MBKKK A STLAI, ith i fttth I' 75,741.66 1 nn.r, 111 as.11.. 33 js 3- 13 Ot 4s. 04 0 (2 67 I'MstPftl'ae Ss 75. 57 6 ht 63 do 6s 2000 20 19 it 24 ChlANW rv4S4l 7 77 32 CltlP cvt 4sti0 60S 79 79 111 do rfg 4s 34 96 96 3(1 ChAW Ind 4s2. 90 4 hilo Cop 6 47.

90 69 89H 20 4 'Inn 04YKI 11 47 97 I rf4s77B 91 99 91 4 t'olon Oil 0s34 66 63 64 49 1 ol Ga)K 6s92Mav 97 97 17 20 oml fnv T5s4l 19 99 99 72 Con C. NY645 10711, 107 107U Ohio. North other Miss, and of Sa- Sonth'n Beiond vannah Points Total Oranges 11 94 3 70 Grapefruit .11 2 42 Vegetablea 6 0 4 Tomatoes 0 14 2 19 Cucumber 2 33 jt I'elery 1 0 i Potatoes 50 29 Beans 0 0 0 9 Since beginning of season: Ohio, North other g. ami of Aa- South'n Boyomi isnnah points Total oranges 3347 S31S3 irap frail 11441 1674 1 963 29322 Tangerines 2384 101 3399 Lettuce 19 771 3 793 VeEetal.lt 4(1 3141 122 3964 Peppers 300 493 98 1110 Tomatoes 3S1 183 272 2616 Carthage 97 29S7 108 3173 cucumbers .119 959 16 914 Celery 2309 469 9.19 7444 Strawberries 16! 218 4 883 Potatoes 603 4659 125 5283 Beans 32S 2386 133 2499 Totsl ll Km hri 'U ill Revenue Bonds Annual Cleanup Drive Mt-sj this ti -t if 'tii oomoiea; uueil Kav, 8ct Hook; :30. Pleaoure Hour.

NBC; -NBf Program; 1. Traneerlptlon: 10; Juan Eana, soprano, Bohby Tucker, anlat; Talk by (Jen. Ben)an Koulona, NBC: Viment Uoi hMi, hi MONEY in- ftn- I i'ivp In Total Disburs. 25,778.34 6.744.94 36.365.34 25,609.39 7.339.24 11.741.12 3.2S5.12 1115,847.53 17,020.00 267.0 133.124.69 Total Receipts 1,626.23 820.70 440.57 3.9S0.50 4,12.64 645. SO 1,044 70 1122,655.32" 17 635.00 257.06 JACKSONVIl -Some one cal.

dleston his wlf in an automol night. Huddleston eron, a friend, scene with a obliged. Six blocks frc pital, where hii pan ion. Miss 1 figured in a ct machine collide Seven person mishsps. but i flciently to be ment.

The cat were badly dair MUNICIPAL RAILWAY! A POWER PLANT April. 1931 Receipts and Disbursem*nts OPERATING RECEIPTS: NB 11, lialidi Belwood. tenor; I tip 1R i In fiiM 'H119 With p. 'apU Hii'1 Antic. Revenue Wilkes, pianlat; 11:30, Transcrlptl Hour.

Balance Revenue ''P'lrOnrTTi an1 lit if Two ar garau. oi Hlni shruhM Thi ft wtl ar rnoriri pi 1.625.M 10822 18.621.15 NKW TORK. May II. money steady 1 tent all tlai. Time loans tedi so days 1-1; 3-4 month 1H-3; 5-4 months per cent.

Prime commercial paper 3-2, Bankers' aeeeptanees easy: 30 days fiO-00 day 1-; 4 months 1-1; 5-8 months -l NKW TORK. May 19. (A') Poultry alle stead broilers bv freight 29-34; by espress f.iwls, fretg-tit or es-press 21-25; rooster freight or cupress 13; turkeys frclsbt or express li-30; dljfks freight 13-15; express 24. CHICAC.O, May II. (iT) Butter steady; creamer' extra (02 score) 23'4i standards (90 core rarlots) 22H: extra first (90-01 score) 21-21 tj ftrats 48-19 score) 21-21 Is: seconds (69-97 core) 1S-19 Egg 29,545.

steads to firm: extra firsts 18'i; fresh graded firsts 17 current receipt 19.19; statage packed firsts 19; torage parked extras lu. RECEIPTS: Cash on Hand Sewer Connections Engineering Building Inspector Waterfront Wharfa*ge Misc Revenue Taxes as 1.11.3 HEAP (NBC) 0 5 00 Dinner Muale. 5:30 Theater Blt, 15 Orchestra. Gene Austin, 11:15 Science Talk. 1: 30 A Ida and La Foree.

Merchandise and Jobbing Passenger Fares Transporting Mail Statton and Car Privileges Mlscellsneotts Revenue Bus Fares Bus, Miscellaneous Revenue Sale of Power Merchandise and Jobbing 1.600. 00 1,500.00 ft.OOO.OO 2,500.00 7S0.O0 1, 400.00 177.31J.96 40S.4S 393.60 51.42 10.05 9.005.74 679.30 1.069.43 1.019.50 1.626.84X 101.20 355.30 67,345.6 it 13.400.47 1,137.77 1:45 Back of the News; alo WFlJ ti i nil b. 3t.71T.20 El' CI, IP SECTION Beautiful Kngllfh liom. rponed on tlj.noo nmrtaai today for 17 9ti. with intufft s' i.drr.

lrlh the attrartiM, ft t'aunful xurrnutirtlnsw. 1719 fii si. and thru Noiseless paper has been made for radio manuscripts. I191.5SJ.19 I 68.933.87 00 Bobhy Jones; also WFUA. 7:15 Varieties; also WFLA.

7:30 Shllkret Orchestra. Old Counselor, 8:30 Olive Palmer; also VTSB. 9:30 Interviews: also WB. Revenue Bonds Annual Cleanup Drive May 19. Poultry, 49 trucks, firm; prices CHICAGO, alive, 1 car, unchanged.

9,937.76 1110,547 35 OPERATING DISBURsem*nTS: R-3 Way and Structures: Supt, Ways and Structures Maint. Ways Maint. Electric Unes Matnt. Buildings and Grounds R-4 Equipment: Supt. Equipment Maint.

Cars and Equipment Maint. Elec. Equip, of Cars 1 1 VIII 4 A riREI EXCHANGE NEW YORK. May ll.f Foretgn exchange Irregular: Great Britain in dollars, others In cents. Great Britain demand 4.19 18-32; cables 4.16 9-19; 60 sail bm 4-" JH'i France demand rl demand 5.13; cables 5.23 9-16.

BelS'um 13.91; Germanv 23.81: Holland 40 17: Norway 26 Sweden Denmark 24.77; Swltterland 19.29: Spain 90S: Portugal 4.S1; Oreec 1.29; Poland 1122. 4 secboslovakl 1.11; Jtisoslavla 1.76; Auatri 14.0S; Riimanla 0.40: Argon-tina 11.97: Brazil s.9l; Toklo 19.16-Shatishal 24.45; Montreal 99 Mexico City (sold peso) 49.15. 1,408.40 MOON MULLINS Mamie Gets a Screen Test 10:00 Nellie Bevell. 10:30 The Big Push. 10:48 Lope Orchestra: also WFLA.

11:00 Richardson's Onelutra. Funk's Orchestra. DIVISION OF HEALTH. April, 1931 Live Stock Approp. SAVE 30 ON PAVING AND SEWER ASSESSMENTS CONSULT lS McCutcheon, Upham Miller Inc.

Opp. City Hall Stl 4th St. So. Disburs. April Balance Approp 48,817.77 73.20 910.37 333.92 ton 91.30 713.11 136.50 236.9 102.SS I 715 164.31 5.696.60 528.15 iii ihk .1136,370.55 348.8 VVAIM! (CM)- -H60 1,177.71 714.

30 145.71 DISBURsem*nTS Revenue Bonds County Mosquito Fund Plumbers' Examinations 1 Kl i Three new tin at the last reg Hi club Tue V. M. C. A. Th O.

Clayton ure now full fie club. A picnic to 1 announced at i by-laws were at l.Bfa inn lu'irn. ,1 room and Mtl'l ttjfl Li retried In n'l Hi -artu'e. Ten Set Mr Km SI Receipts April 4 1 1 i what 00 you akJ 11 1 a I ipr; MAN IN THE 1 WW P-tYFEOORA with I 9cR-eM' HB I 1 W1SWT THE'0 TALK SB 7 I MAMIE. I I A --'TTl-E LOUOER 4 what thev're wiMm' fy IS .4 BELIEVE OR 'm JL e.tiu uoing 10 Press." 615 Wlnegar'a On heatra.

1:30 Roy Atwell. Crime Club, 0:00 Morton Downey. Fertllnantlo'a Orchestra. 50 Evangeline Adams. :45 lladdy and polio.

7:00 Pry or' a Hand: also WDAK. 7:13 Barbershop Klngcrs. 7:30 Musical co*cktail. :00 Fast Freight. 8:10 Arabesque.

9 00 Personalities. Mr Balance Revenue m.t 6,689.08 73.32 CH1CAOO. My () (f, g. Kept. Agr.) ling 17.000 Including direct; fltl a.

live, steady to 10 higher, top bulk desirable lbs. few 210-270 lbs. 0.40-ti.Rii;, packing sows Strang; bulk better kinds; plus, weak; few strong weight 90-lH Ih. ii.7fi-7.tiu Siiii-itiii Ih. R.

200-290 lbs, 5.50-7.00: 230-3511 lbs. 8.10-0.06; slaughter pin 100. 139 lbs. 0.941-11.90. t'sttle 5.0110; calves, shipping demand very narrow; lower grade ful-l ftead she stock mostly sleadv to eak: slaughter cuttle and vealer: -teer non-900 lbs.

7.25-9.00; 900-1100 IK 7.25-9.00; 1190-lsOfl lbs. 7.29-MO: 1 I Ih, nt, An. tin Total Disburs. 92,852.78 19,125.00 505 42 65.8 fll2.249.08 Tola! Receipts 185.97 71, 1.1! 4.J3H.30 708.60 85.94flJs" 19,205.00 86.84 9,250.00 290 on 246 49 Antic. Revenue 185.97 130,184.58 6.200.09 RECEIPTS: Cash on Hand Taxes County Welfare l''ood Inspection Kecs 17 Cuba 41 41 41 5 cub 514 9 15 OA R( con Is 36.

914 fu 1 OAIIOW gn 555. 59 69 69 22 Hodge db B40. 86 44 44 17 Htitj I.t 4 6TA4 14 101 14 61 Kris rfAImp 576. 74 71 76 11 Erie gen In 4s4. 73 73 73 23 den Am Inv 552 49 96 6Si 6 Oen Cb 547.

Tl 71 71 7 Oen Mot Ac 9e37 104 103 104 6 Oen Stl Ct5s49 89 17 IT 29 Oen Equip 440 40 1 39 II Ooodrh BE l47 9 96 49 24 Oondyr TAR 557. 69 69 11 2 Or Tk Ry CnSs3fi 10814 lost, 108" 87 Gt No Ry 111 111 111 1 do 4 77 97 97 97 4 Hudson CI 502A. 65 65 55 21 HAM rf 657A inn 99 99 145 do ad I Inc. 78 1,4 77 77 .10 Hum OAI! 532. 102 102 104 8 III Cent 4s 96..

62 82 82 II lnlnd St 478A 96 9514 95 4 Interh Tr 7s32. 91 91 tl 43 Interh Tr 09 7H 68 2 tut III rl El 90 90 80 24 lnt Mat. I 47. 91 911 90 II lnt Pap cvt S47A 09 67 7 '16 lnt TAT cvt439 88 87 87 18 do deb Ss 55 83 90 80 3 (' Sou rfir Ss30. 93 93 43 II Trm lsl4fl.

97 97 97 11 Kens 4aa. 6 98'; 9 OasSII, 105 102 101 12 Uautaro Nit 654. 60 6 60 11 l.eh ts03. 86', 19 86 2 l.lggAM 5s 51 in4i 1066. 33 l.orlllsrd Co637 41 91 49 10 LAN 1st rf4s03.

41 91 94 2 Manatl Sg 7s42. 24 24 14 95 McKesAR 77 74 74 13 Midv Stl cv" 9s36 10; leju isti 4 MERAI, 1st 5s1B 104 10SS 143 4 MSP-SSM 1 cn4s38 96 84 84 1 Tex aH5s7A 77 77 7T 10 Mo Pe evt49A 71 71 Tl 10 do 3 77 45 12 57 do gen i 75 sis, o()u 3 Mont rr 105 103 44 Nt nlt-y I lis 41 102 105 102 1 NOPuSv 8sctr52A. 14 34 44 67 NVCAHR rfAlitll 106 iojx; 14 do db 4s 34 101 101 liisj y474 lio 21 do 4 7 r. 77 77 7734 3 flock Co3s38. 64 44 44 Ed 117 nsn; 10 NY Nil AH cvt 611 116 115 114 25 do 1lrf 94 93 ja 4 Rv Inc 6ss4 JtJ 13 Tel 10 1414 t4 3 do 4s 39 I04, 104 144 9 NYWARos 44 44 Tl JM 9 Nor EdSsllS 104 1031 13 Vi SUNDAY DISTRIBUTION OF NEWSPAPERS VALID ABILENE, May 19.

District JuU-re M. Clark held t0. day that distribution of newspapers on the Sabbath does not violate the Kansas "blue law." 6,609. 98 59.00 El). C.

WRIGHT 1st Ave. North and St. Saves You 3 On City Assessments 49.471.47 816.70 91.80 275.03 195.89 76.50 1903 454.27 JLL attempts to TRACE "THE MOVEMENTS OF OUR HERO AFTER HE WAS MSTERlOUSt-X WHISKEO FROM THE HOME OF THE WEALTHS MR. KAPERTOKJ HAVE SEEM OF KAO AVAIL BUT AT HOME THE VIGILANT MAMIE IS KEEPING UP HER END OF THE DETECTIVE, WORK. rri 1136,370.65 6,688,98 ti'teiMs- t'aili Ffirk.

lot 711 'tt Imfrmemenu 17,500. All canlj. AVERT REAI.TT .1 I (trill 430.72 50,429.67 9:15 Parisians, 9,30 f.anin's Orchestra. 9:15 IvrRltort Revenue Bonds Unanticipated Due to Other Plumbers' Examinations County Mosquito Fund I 11 i. COWS 5.n0-.00; bulla 5.0O 47.2 10:15 Tremalne'a Otcheslra.

Ifli 30 Osborne's Orchestra. 11:00 Dance Orchestra. 11:30 Ann Leaf and Ben Alley. t-lHO -liaising Junior. 5:15 Hondo lets.

equipment Expense R-5 Power: Maint, Rot. Conv. and Trans Power Purchased r. 6 conducting Transportation: Superintendence Motormen and Conductors Misc. Transportation Expense R-T Traffic Expense R-S- General and Miscellaneous: General Expense Injuries and Damages Stationery and Printing Garage and Storeroom Expense Mdse.

and Johhinif R-9Bu Operations P-6Mdse. and Jobbing P-10 Power Plant Production: Labor Supplies and Expense Maint. Plant Maint. Equipment P-U-Distributleh: Labor Materiala for Maint P-13 General snd Miscellaneous: Salaries Supplies and Rxpenee Handling Stores Truck Operation and Matnt Exceas of Operating Receipts NON-OPERATING RECEIPTS: Material and Supplies NON-OPERATING DISBURsem*nTS; Material Store Railways Equipment Material St pre- Power Plant Excefs of Operating and Non-Operating" Receipts ,7 6,721 24 1115 017.91 null, hnril enijalerl on lagc I i (yearlings excluded) (beef) 4.00-6,25; vealars (milk-fed) 9.00-9.50; sto- ker and feeder cattle: Steers 500-1050 lbs. 7.00-6.00.

Sheep 11.000: steady to shad lower: clipped lambs 6.25-9.50; scaling on. 102 lbs. best held around 9, on; woolsklns Scarce) few native springers 10 00-11, 00; lmhs' 00 lbs. down; ewes 90-150 lbs. POOD HANDLERS DIVISION 1 1,030.42 364.58 42 4S tn MM! Kg 11.37 5:30 Oloria Day.

Approp. 1 also KDK Liae Imi teim LONDON, world wheat vened here to Howard Fergii commissioner, i man, and prepi row detailed Bible remedies market. CHAIN STon WA8HINGTO The Indiana la hetvy license was fustalned a supreme court ba DISBURsem*nTS Total Dtsburs. 3.764 23 Total Receipts Disburs. April 369.78 Receipts April 'n' Andy; nln WFLA.

fRl peat at 10 for WIIAP. WHM, WSBI 4. 684. 00 Antic. Revenue 1.46lt I.TI 190 01 16,118 17 JS.tSt.S3 1.31 Balance Approp 929.77 Balance Revenue 3.04.50x FIX-rtOOM runvalow, .,0, wood flotirs, Ari.old iini two ftna loin with uo ft 13.400 en ood tertm have a r.urr i whlrh an bt hmniied on Ilka rant THORN, HOf'K A ft 11 Central Ave.

'Everything In nn llt'tl KSTATB ll'im- I Will how. Tortej'e 1 I7.4JW. 17,180, H. fi Want more. In.

llalk i i. ASSESSMENTS REDUCED 30 ftu is. the time to rnl your I'avlna ami senlr assensinenl, We handle entire 1 1 an ft ton guarantee vmi official St, Petersburg receipt nn anv amount oay-a-ln foil, lint nil', ment or Interest. Save von KM on eeery llllli.nil. All Florida Bond limn hi end Nolii PHONE 6995 Tax Securities Corp.

Ueebsed and Htmded las Aaenee IM Florida theatre Ride, St, I'eteraborg, Kla, WE BUY, SELL, TRADE AND QUOTE All iMues PlnHda Countv, Ma nlclpal. School snd Kirt Band. ALSO THE FOLLOWING Full paid hro or Rullrtlnf and t.oan Companies. Lakeland. Bartow.

tlrsOnion, Temp. Da'jloaa leach and St. Poterstmnr. The Guaranty Co. Ml Atlantis National Rank Bide, ksonvlllc, Fin.

4.684.00 RECEIPTS: Examination Fee Due to Other Departments Medical Supplies 7,730.80 200 00 4.50 NAVAL STORES TACKaONVlLLB, Mav 19 () Turpentine firm, 444s 910 4t i sales 138; receipts 719: -shipment 99; stock 21,317. Raatlt firms les 291: receipts stork Quote: R. 43.41; 11, 4.1R- 3.904.00; fl. 4.II0: 4.6036.00! K. 4.905.15: S.2I 40; 5.4B5,flS; WU, 8.90e9,96;.

WW, 7.254) 7.90; OO j-nii conk: nlso WFLA, 0:43 Scores; Hiring Quartet. 7:00 Adventure Momenta. crusaders. 8:00 First Nlghtefi also KDKA. 8 30 Pleasure Hour.

t'lara, L11 anil Em: also KPK 9:15 Poems; also 10:00 -Slumber Music. Big Push. 11:00 Kemp's Orchestra. Orctieatrg. ,1 II, nta.

lee, CI Cen- 1 I 368 00 7.935.n DIVISION OF POLICE. APrl'. 131 Approp! Disburs. DISBURsem*nTS t.1!5,06.5J t.ttt.73 13.04t.09 Total. Disburs.

88.277.16 Balance Approp 3.T9.I2 ex tBB tl -aSt' i IT-; 'mm.

Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.