The Tampa Times from Tampa, Florida (2024)

To Hat An Ad, To Kill. Corroct, Adjuit. tall Wl-TSOO. THE TAMPA TIMES. Thursday.

October 27. 1977 7-D 310 TECHNICAL PROGRAMMER DOWNTOWN company has opening for programmer with exoerlence In as sembler ft COBOL. Mln. of 2 yrs. exper.

of which part must be uus. excellent company benefits. Call Mrs. Jo Ann Foaartv or Mr, Frank Enoch at 228-7511 or write Founder's Life Assurance Co. of Fla.

P. O. Box 1571, Tompo. Fla. 33601.

STRUCTURAL STEEL DETAILERS Erwln Industries; Tampo Fo-bricator needs experienced Detaliers for permanent employment to prepare shop fabrication drawings. Top wages this area-commensurate with experience. Must furnish references. Backlog of work through 1976. Exce -lent group insurance.

Call Chief Drottsman, Ned Antn- ony, 621-3476. 320 MEDICAL RNS-LPNS (EOE MF) Kfl LY HOME CARE 4600 W. Kennedy 879-6144 OPENING for 11-7 medical tecnnoioaist, ureter ia.r registered with experience. nnlu WAITIin'l HOSPltOli Personnel Office located at 2901 St. ISOPeil Diiwnn Equal Oppor tunlty Employer RN, full time.

Doctor's office exoerlence necessary. Call 935-7148. NEEDED FULL TIME LPN'S FOR 3-11 SHIFT Habana Villa Health Cart 2916 N. Habana Way 876-5141 NEEDED: LPN or RN for relief work. Fun time.

i-yu- 567-6347. ows. Full-oart time. 11PM 7AM snitt, excellent sinning salary ft benefits package. AAmnr a Hasp tal of Tampa Personnel 877-0441 ext.

475. EOE. RNS-LPNS NURSE'S AIDES Immediate cases, work the hours you worn, excellent oav. Never a fee. QUALITY CARE 229-1561 MEDICAL technologist, ASCP Florida license or engioie, Day shift, rotate weekends Apply to Mrs.

Carone, Per sannel deoartment Memorl- ol Hospltol, 1901 Arlington sorasoto, mil. EXPERIENCED Dental Assis tant, paimo leio area, start-Ing S3.00 per hour. 839-3167 HEMATOLOGIST Experienced MT ASCP needed for II-7PM Hematology posi linn Anolv Patterson Coleman Lobs, Personnel of flee, 4807 N. Armenia, Tampo DENTAL receptionist, busy oracrice. txoeriencea omy.

Please send resume to Trib- une-Times box iti. Medical Technologist Full time Medical Tech noiogist, must oe ASCP registered. Contact Personnel, Blake Memorial Hospital, 2020 59th St. Bradenton 748-6611. EOE MF.

REGISTERED X-Rav tech noiogist. mini al weekend work. Good So moritan Hospital, 935-1191. CHIROPRACTIC Assistant. Full time.

Troining. tniro- proctor Art Building, sai- 0001. Need RN's. LPN's ft Nurse Aides. All shifts.

Hours to suit your schedule. Private duty In home or hospitals. Call Homemakers Upjohn at anytime. 229-6111. tut MF.

RN and LPN with Geriatric experience neeaea. fun ana parr lime. -J ana it- snitrs. 3405 Boy to Bay Blvd. 839- 5325.

DENTAL technician, partial denture experience waxer and finisher. Design exper ience helpful, salary com mensurate with exoerlence. Send work history and sala ry requirements to: zov Packwood, Tampo 33606. NURSING DIRECTOR Progressive 140 bed accute meaicai surgical jtn accredited hosoital needs strong inovative leader to assume the responsibility for guiding the delivery of quality patient core. Attractive salary ft benefits for qualified applicant.

Previous experience required, BS de gree desired. Position available immediately. Reply with resume to UNIVERSITY GENERAL HOSPITAL PO Box 1138 Largo, Fl. 33540 DENTAL assistant, mature, some Saturday work required, some past experience. 236-5511.

RECEPTIONIST. Oral Sur geons oftice. Mature a dependable. Will train. Send resume Tribune Times Box N-226.

MEDICAL technologist, 3PM to iipm. Phone sv-UMi ex tension 354. RN'S, 7-3 shift, apply In per son at university pork con valescent Center. 1818 E. Fletcher Tampa.

INSERVICE DIRECTOR Needed to organize ft develop educational activities in a new ft progesssive 140 bed occute medical surgical JCAH accredited hospital RN with previous experience will have the opportunity to exercise sner oackorauna ft expertise to Its fullest extent. Salary negotiable. Reply with resume to UNIVERSITY GENERAL HOSPITAL i PO Box 1138 Largo, Flo. 33540 RECEPTIONISTmedlcal as sistant. Typing skins essen tial.

Variety af duties. Secure position with fringe benefits, send photo ana resume to Tribune-Times. Box G-245. X-RAY TECH Needed Immediately far 65 bed acute core hospital, reg ular hours 4PM-8PM plus excellent call back compen sation. Contact Bob Easttv am.

Community General Hosoital. 1550 Fort Kino Dade City, Fla. 33525. (904)567-6726. An equal op portunity employer.

310 TECHNICAL SOMEONE Wants To Buy Your FURNITURE Reach That Buyer with a CLASSIFIED AD 272-7500 TRIBUNE-TIMES CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE For Box Number Respondents. There may be one or two firms or individuals to whom you do not wish your reply to go. If such is the ease, s.imp-ly address your application to the Box Number in the ad and attach a separate list of such names stating that your reply should be destroyed if addressed to ony of the names indicated. Place both in an envelope addressed to Confidential Service. Tribune-Times Classified Department.

P.O. Box 191 Tampa, Fla. 33601. Such answers cannot be returned. 305 PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANT Growing well established HIHshnrouah County devel oper ft builder.

Is seeking a degree accountant with min. of vrs; construction related ft suoervisorv exoer- lence. Aoollconts should possess desire to assume Increasing responsibilities in the area of accounting ft operations, send resume with salory history to iripune Times Box P-254. 310 TECHNICAL ENGINEER with knowledge of heat transfer ft other food processing eaulpment. Ex perience in citrus industry desirable.

complete re' sume to P.O. Box 7104, Tampo 33603. ELECTRONICS Technician, experienced In digital and solid state electronics. Will teach medical applications to right person. Excellent advancement opportunities.

Send resume to tabtronix Corp, 5403B Southern comfort Blvd. Tampo. 33614. TV technician-bench, must be experienced, potential to J300 plus per week. Metro Electronics, 886-6687, y-5.

ELECTRICAL DESIGNERS Full time or Port Time for one to three months. Experienced in Commercial ond Institutional Design. Reply by resume to Ms. Sue Banks DlAi, 5clk.ini?ck a ASSOCIATES 2005 Pan Am Circle Tampa, Florida 33607 An Equal Oppty Employer ME's, ChE's and EE's. Many positions.

ALL FEES PAID BY COMPANIES. Coll Rich ord P. Rita, 877-5755. ChE's EE's ME's Fla ft Nat'l lobs Fees Co paia AVAILABILITY. INC.

872-2631 5401 W. Kennedy Suite 265 COMPUTER OPERATOR $170 UP DOE, FEE PD Must have 2 vrs exp with DOSVS and Power VS. Call Personnel Conslts 879-3001 COMPUTER Operator-IBM. 36020, 2 disk drives, card system. 11pm-7am, Sunday thru Thursday.

872-5635. ENGINEER-Mechanlcol, structural ft electrical with power experience. Call St. Pete 864-1113. PROGRAMMER l-3vrs exp To S15K Fee Pd FRANK LEONARD Personnel (813) 872-1853 SURVEYING ft Drafting need ed.

Experienced survey party, personnel ft Draftsperson by Civil Engineering Consulting firm. Call 872-8573. COMPUTER Operator, IBM 36040, challenging position excellent salary ond benefits. BST Data Systems, 961-3902. PROGRAMMERS ANALYST Varied applications ft hardware SU-27K FEES CO.

PAID. Contact Mike AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 5401 W. Kennedy Suite 285 EXPERIENCED TV technician needed by aggressive, new service company. Inside and outside repolrs, must hove Von.

Excellent advancement available. Salory open. 664-8041. COMPUTER Technician for the Orlando area. Notional electronics firm requires digital computer technician, candidate must be familiar with I.e.

Logic, disc memory, communications ft be people oriented. 2-4 Years experience, excellent advancement opportunities. Send resume to Mr. Robert R. Crygiel, Ouotron Systems 1515 N.W.

167th Miami, Fla. 33169 or call 813-870-3327. SURVEYING Draftsman, experience reaulred, company benefits. Reply with salory requirements to PO Box 187, Lull. Fla.

33549. TRADES EXPERIENCED Backhoe op erator. PftH, poclaln, steady work. Good pay. contact Bud Miller, at LoGrow Irrigation Box 1024, Lake Placid, or call (813) 465-4114, 3-SPM aoiiy.

MECHANICS Need -experienced mechanics. Excellent pay and fringi benefits. Contact Ted McEl wain. Service Manoger ot Hunt Truck, 39th ft Adamo, 248-6221; REMT'S. full time, mole female.

Pinellas County, 393 eoo, jyj-uoy. NEED Cost Estimator, exoer lence required In repairing oiaer nomes, must be II censed ft bonded. 251-8918, CABINET Maker, sow opera tor, cut doors, mica. 3701 cnerry st. P'EIEL MECHANIC Experienced with malnte nance and repair of heavy eaulpment and buses.

Must nave awn tools, 10 nr. work dav. Paid vacat on. holi days, other benefits. Lehigh corporation, P.O.

box 53, fl 33936. ELECTRICIANS Helpers, minimum one year exper lence. apply 803 W. Waters CONSTRUCTION Tradesmen wanted (all crafts) lor con tractor referra s. To rea ter: 876-6531.

Construction Workers Registry, an Equal opportunity Referral Serv ice. ELECTRICIAN'S Helper. At least i years experience in resiaentiai. Bjy-zi03. PERSON to supervise print snoa operation.

Assume camera, plate making, and stripping duties. Must have good printing background. c-ovins inc. 22y-yi. PAINT ft Body man, must be expertencea, ana sooer.

Steadv work, no drifters. Apply S1 16 E. Shadowlawn Ave. Bert Greenwood. COSMETICS Specialist need ed, wilt train, salary plus commission.

876-3806. BARPFR needed immedl ateiy, full time. Busy shop ping center, eraaenton 1-748-8033; 1-748-5409 eves. EXPERIENCED electricians. 391-0147, 11600 Seminole Blvd.

Largo, Florida. BINDERY MAN Cutter-folder operator. Top man, steadv, full benefits. CAII Collect 3Q-53-JZ2. EXPERIENCED VW.

Audi, Mazda mechanic. Have own tools, willing to relocate. Company benefits, etc. Send resume or contact Boo wn Hams, Don Rlccis Autohause, 755 17th vera Beach, 32960, 305-562-4131. PAINTER to do machinery sorav oa nt na.

steadv work Good benefits. Only experts need aupiv. Equipment, Mr. Imwold, 6th. Ave, corner I3tn.

m. MEAT Cutter: Experienced or will train. Apply Bern's Steak House. PRESSMAN Two color pressman. Must be experienced sheet tea croftsman.

Salary open with company benefits. Ph. 504- 837-1281 weekdoys, ask far Miss cieseier. DRYWALL hanaers wanted 81.70 per aoara. must pe experienced.

All wans un nmltea. pnone yjj-4w. ELECTRICAL ft Pneumatic tool repairman. Must nave experience, addiv 1302 Busch Blvd. 932-8641, 933- 4371.

HAIR stylist, new busy salon. Aitaire. lompa Bay center. 80-3400. ELECTRIC Motor mechanic.

exaenenced in dissassem blv. test ft reoalr of AC ft DC. Lead position. 229-2095 days; 223-6104 evenings. EXPERIENCED fully auali fled Mercedes and BMW mechanic with own tools, willing to relocate.

Company benefits and will participate in moving. Send resume or contact Bob Williams, uon Riccl's Autohouse, 75S 17th Vero Beach, FL 32960. 305-562-4131. ELECTRIC Motor winder class A. Leaa position, uy- 2095 days, 223-6104 evenings UPHOLSTERER for contract work.

Own tools ana work space. 229-8001. ELECTRICIANS and helpers. Experienced in commercial, residential and service work, Service Electric Co. Phone 879-3499.

ROOFERS. Top wages. Only A-l iourneyman need opply 886-7340; ALUMINUM Installers, start Immediately, high pay, ex perienced only, sruxo corp 904-683-91 73; TWO Upholsterers needed Top wages, years minimum experience. y4y-s6z. DRAGLINE operator wonted.

for 22B. can otter vaw tit- 9334. FURNITURE reoalr ft refln isher. 3 Years experience, 834-1121. SCREW MACHINE Operators Davenport, Acme ft ft Exoerlence required.

First second snms. sena resume to: Redmer Air Devices PO Box 40330, St. Fla. 33743 or coll 1-381-7272. WAri'i ED Experienced paint er, th 5 vrs.

or more exp. own transportation. 645-4)55. CRANE OPERATOR years experience working with large modules of ships or barges. Permgnent employment with excellent fringe benefits.

Apply MIs-ener Industries 5353 Tyson Tompa. E.O.E. DRYWALL Hangers Finish es S1.55 per poora. Experienced only. Steady work.

American Drywall New Port Rlchey, 847-2006. COUNTERTOP MFG. Needs experienced plastic la minator. 4UII t. list Ave, Call 623-2621.

I A mi. chine mechanics, storting sal KV Ave. LKIO. IPIJJOOO-JIUI. DRYWALL Repairman, exper ienced only, can American Drywall New Port Rich- ey, 84-2UUQ, cccmfm.

ARPl 3A0. Send resume to 2105 S. Dale Mabry. Tompo 3300v. XPFPIFNCFO Tlooer.

no others need apply. 238-8751. EXP. HEAD SETTER Knnoers Printer Slotter ACCURATE CONTAINER CO 870-33V2 VDCDiCMrrn Onnflna me. chanlc.

Shingles. Apply in person otu4 a. iwoclmi. XPERIENCED Oil heoter mechanic. Apply In person 6)04 S.

MOCDIII. WANTED air conditioning auct mecnanic. cwmwiw ary open. Call Lakeland 688- 5149. FORKLIFT MECHANIC Electrlc-SCR.

Many benefits, top pay for quontiea. riurtuu Clarklift Tampo. Coll 877-8341. WANTED CAC Mechanic up to 25 ton ft commenciai reins- eration. 251-I4.

TOOL ft Die maker- full time IITCUCU IV w.fc- lory production work. Good starting salary tor ucitmuv-ble worker. Raises depend on ability. Cell: Mr. Boutel-le, 8 AM to 4 PM lor inter view appointment.

Tampa, 883-1634 Dl SEL truck mechonic with own i tools, permanent posi- Cninru Ann Ft MVerfi tlon irea. (813) 334-0761. SEAMSTRESS Cutting sewing for Uphol stery. At least 3 years experience. Steady, good pay; 233-0131.


epaxv floor installers. Apolv In person, Monday-Friday. Touby Pointing ft Decorating inc. 1712 w. cypress at.

SET UP MECHANIC New operation Is in need of set up men witn mecnanical background with experience In stamping die set ug ond change over, work with automatic machinery for electrical Lug Industry. Ex cellent benefits. Gould Inc. call 626-4177. Equal Opportu nlty Employer.

FULL line mechanic with own tools looking for permanent worx. aiso, nrst class station attendant. Sales background. No others need apply. 977-5263.

370 SALES SALESPERSON GOING FHA-VA Subdivlsion-NW Hlllsboro Co. must be good closer with post years' income 820,000 or more. Call Mr. Green, 935-1111 or 961-6960. REAL ESTATE SALES Earn We offer extensive training.

New or old licensees. Contact Ann Del Valle, 877-6007, lor confidential Interview; R.E. SALESPEOPLE Try for dedl- catea. i ne oest training. Must be friendly, sincere.

Inquire Don or Julie Watson 238-3181 Aft 7PM 879-0650 ssssssssss FREE Real Estate Course? Century 21 Expanding Offices-Need Assoc's. Your tu ition could be tree. Class begins Nov 17. Contact Century 21 Ofc or call 837-2497. Sell the Hottest Service In Tampa.

Cable TV ft Home Movies Call Rick. 621-5490 REAL ESTATE SALES New license or old. We will train ft help. Confidential. Ask for jim xusseii.

uun waisun RLTY, Inc. 837-1021 FULL times sales wanted experienced only. University Square Mall. 977-9687. Newspaper Advertising Salesperson Immediate opening for on ambitious Retail Advertising salesperson to handle outside soles in our Tampa Tribune Lakeland Bureau.

We offer good starting sof-ary, plus commission and a car allowance. We also offer exceptional working conditions, full company benefits including paid vacation, insurance and profit sharing plan. But more Importantly, we provide on atmosphere which gives you every opportunity for personal success. Contact Carol Selph, Tampa Tribune Lakeland Bureau, 813-683-6531. NEW HOME SALES Full time licensed sole person wanted lor fast selling builder ond realtor.

"No Listings" For interview Call 988-2102 or 988-8277; 985-3555 SALES POSITION Toll Free 1-800-432-8403 RECORDED MESSAGE Pharm Trnee Bl-Lingual Attractive wscience deg $12Kcorexpn's Management Recruiters Ot Tompa Bay, Inc 879-4450 BENEFICIAL Life Insurance needs 2 agents, annuaiiza-tion, leads, vested, 879-6928. SUPER Salesman needed to sell fasteners in tampa orea. Top commission for experienced person. Send resume to P.O. Box 6427, West Palm Beach, FL 33405.

NEWSPAPER DISPLAY AD SALES The Ft. Lauderdale News hos an opportunity for an ambitious person to move up in a career of newspaper advertising sales. If you have 2 or more years ot KtCfcNi experience selling newspaper retail display advertising, ond ore ready to make the move to a larger paper, we have a position in which vou can grow! Call for more information or send your contiaentiai resume and salary requirements to: Personnel Dept. FT. LAUDERDALE NEWS PO BOX 14430 Ft.

Lauderdale, FL 33302 305-761-4386 an equal oppty. employer SALES ft Delivery Furniture Specialty Store, moture person, salary plus commission, sales ft mechanical ability necessary. Call 935-7245 for Interview appointment. SALES CONSULTANTS OF TAMPA, INC. "Placing Sales Talent Is Our Onlv Business" 5600 Marlner(Rm213) 872-1538 SALESMAN.

Must hove knowledge of heat transfer ft other food processing equipment. Should hove experience in citrus andor phosphate industry. Send complete resume to D.F., P.O. Box 7)04, Tompo 33603. INSURANCE-Branch Manager for established ogency specializing in sub-standard automobile, must have license, $10,400 salary plus commission plus profit share plus other extras, first year earning 818-S20M range.

Call Mr. Gibbs collect, 9-1 PM weekdays, George H. Green Insurance Agency, 404-752-7255. EXPERIENCED business oriented representatives. Must be sharp, high caliber, mole or female.

Extensive growth earnings. Consultants Universal Executive Sauare, 406 Reo, Suite 240, 879-8371. JOHN Hanco*ck, women ond men, management traineee, up to 81,000 plus commission, life securities, casualty. Call 224-0102. BUILDING materials com pany needs expenencea salesperson, contractor and subcontractor sales.

Adobe Building Centers 886-0505. UNITED BUSINESS BROKERS Has 2 Positions Open tor ex perienced, depenoooie salespeople with Business background. $40,000 plus in commissions 1st year. By appointment only. Mr.

Combs 870-3901 EXECUTIVE SALES In 1970 I made a decision to go Into the lite insurance business. I committed mvs-' if to this career ond worked with dedication ond disci pline. was vears old. For the lost few years, I hove earned an excess of per year. My earnings win be $50,000 in '77.

I am now general agent for a large mutual life insurance company. I want two career opportunist whom I can groom to this success I have en avea. Write in strict confidence to: P.O. BOX 24896, Tampa, no. 33623.

SALESMAN, If vou are retired and want to supplement vour income we hove a great opportunity for you. work your own neighborhood and vou set me nours. coo a com' missions. 247-559S Monday- Friday 8-5; ALUMINUM Products. Salary, commission, car allowance, ft group Insurance.

Car necessary. Will service a 4 county area. Apply In per son, 6805 Aaamo urive, Tompa between 9om-4pm. METROPOLITAN Life Man- agement Trainee, up to $300 weekly; BjyoJ34. tut.

EARN Extra Cash full or part time, up to szuu weexiy, commission selling Televisions and home entertainment eaulpment. Apply 6509 N. 40tn si. octooer zvtn, 10am-2pm. E.

SALES PERSONS Have desk space for 2 sales people, preterooiy tuii-nme. leads furnished, 24 hr. phone coveroge. Members MLS, all replies confidential. Coll Hlllsboro Realty.

Realtors, 238-9576, 1920 E. Hillsborough Suite 101. $480-1960 WEEKLY COMMISSION Florida's fastest growing fi nancial insmunon nuj Inas for 3 result-oriented In dividuals. For vour opportunity call Mr. fctone, 8720514.

360 CLERICAL SECRETARIAL KEYPUNCH Immediate opening tor exper ienced 029 or 129 operator, day shift, fringe benefits Apply, Jim Pinion, Florida Mining Materials, 13228 Central Ave, pnone 933-671 VICTOR TEMPORARIES All Skills Needed Now! NO FEE NO CONTRACT 1111 westsnore Suite 502 Ph. 870-0256 BOOKKEEPERS. Several Positions in various Indus tries Start to 810,400 Coll Roy AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 SECRETARY, construction manaaement firm, location of work In Dade City. 813- 949-7428.

AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE CASHIER Must be experienced and type accurately. Some switchboard exoerlence heioful. MUST SINCERELY ENJOY WORKING WITH THE PUBLIC. Super opportunity for the right person. Pleos-ant working conditions, good salary, and all company benefits, can Mr.

Hottman, 621-8631. JOHN NAUGHTON FORD 6202 E. Hlllsboro 621-8631 SECRETARY For Construe tlon management firm, west Pasco area. 224-0710, 847- 2656. SECRETARY Part time, S3 00 an hour.

Apply 839-7284, Robert's Saw Company. 3251 Bay to Bay Blvd. RECEPTIONIST general of- tiem. need tvoina ana dook kMnlna experience. Responsible position for qualified person.

F. Mfg Co. 4705 w. cayuga. Excellent Sectyrecpt lob for tyolst J520 juayi AVAILABILITY.

INC. 872-2631 (inOO TYPISTS Type S5-60WPM, long ft short term ossgnmts avail KELLY GIRL 877-8061 KEYPUNCH OR KEYTAPE onerators. I OP position oavina too dollar) Coll Lee AVA LABILI1T, IMC. 0i-iOJl TYPISTS WE NEED YOU MANPOWER Inc. 877-055S 4528 w.

nenneoy Sertv Reco tvoe 60 lite SH Greet pudiic to stun mil jrwin AVA I LABILITY. INC. 872-2631 TYPISTS! SECTY'S 60WPM, NMdKi Now Great tempo rary lobs! Free Hospital Plan! Full pay Friday or week you work! OLSTEN TFMPORARY SERVICES 1902 W. Kennedy 251-1853 Mag Card I ft dicta exp earns great cnance to learn icuui field S6U JUOV! AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 SECRETARY For wholesale building mate rial company, proticient in typing, good with figures ft general office skills.

Salary commensurate witn uomiy, 229-0931; Exp Group Health Claims processor suu nr ween Great ODDtv Coll Lee! AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 EXPERIENCED Legal secre tory neeaea immeoiateiy, Old Hyde Park area. 251 8651. Mag I Oper Super downtown legal firm penetirs min SAnn-l- Fee oaid Call Lee! AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 al Estate Development company neeas person ottice, excellent pay for the riant person.

Send resume to Kroh Brothers 200 S. Hoover, Tompo jjeuy, AP with Gen'l ofc duties type 40 Mature staple wsu -n tee na can Lee AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 EXPERIENCED Legal secre tarv. ivpina skiiis, shorthand, dictating mochine reaulred. Large law firm downtown, modern pleasant surroundings, good fringe oenetns.

rnone in- 7494; Good typist 55WPM needed win train on cm toou starter position S460 Call i i AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 SECRETARY Life Insurance experience preferred, salary open aood benefits. Call Personnel 228-7361 or send resume: Poe ft PO Box 1348, Tompo 33601. Comm Rater ft Underwriter All comm lines Agency exp S450 Fee paid Co Joan! AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 GOOD typing ft shorthand skills reaulred.

variety ot interesting duties with Wat son company, oo-mi EOE. Clerk typist tvp 50 Opr lOkey mature stable to start ran Joan! AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-263) EXP. BOOKKEEPER High transaction rate, heavy demand on Dooxxeeper, gooa working conditions, salary ft benefits. Free parking.

Send resume to Tribune-Times Box H-142 Purch secty Typ 50 wstrong purcn bkgra Lite secty Min 1650 Call Joan! AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 INSURANCE Commercial Property ft casualty rating, typing ft placing, some ex perience necessary. Estab llhpd. arawina aoencv excellent starting salary ft benefits package. Call for appointment.

229-85I. INSURANCE Agency hos opening for expertencea commercial rater, must be qualified in all lines. Salary commensurate with ability ft experience. Call 933-6691. ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK Large nationwide organization hos on immeaiate opening for an Individual with busi ness experience.

Duties con sist ot report preparation, filing ft general typing. Neatness accuracy of work a must, salary commensurate with experience. Excel lent company paid benefits. Contact Noncy Fitzpotrick, GTE Data Services, 224-3653. Equal Opportunity Employer 360 TRADES MECHANICAL ENGINEER Immediate openings, must be experienced in mecnanicat application.

Steady work, fast advancement for proper qualifications. Reply to Trlb- une-limes box k-zju. FOLDER Operator, perma nent position, must oe ex oerienced. Hlllsboro Printing Company, 2442 Mii- SiSSiPPI. 2SI-Z4UI.

tue. TRUCK Driver to deliver Con struction equipment, be ODie to load unload trucks with light to medium sized Construction 'equipment, including some scaffolding. Apply In person: 5907 Adamo Drive. MACHINIST 11 on to S5.40 per hour. Years experience in lob shop pr production shop.

Must hove own tools ft be able to make own set up on Bridgeport Mill, Lathes ft eauinment. Heavy ex perience In casting machining preferred. Tampa Brass ft Aluminum corp. -u vv Columbus Dr. E.

O. E. ENGINEER wanted. First class steam a retrigerotion license. Fringe benefits.

Chester Zinger, 248-3151. EXPERIENCED Commercial Retrigerotion mecnanic needed. Good' waaes. aood fringe benefits. 248-1996.

S010 I6tn Ave, bcutn. DRYWALL Hangers, Finish ers ft, Potcnmen. exper. Ienced. Top pay, can between 7-9AM.

1-544-1973. DRYWALL Hangers needed Fun time work, cove ury wall Service. 626-8667. MASONS WANTED 932-7682 or 933-4315. EXPERIENCED Fiberglass, Duct-mechanic, have own tools, top pay.

831-7061. TILE Fedders needed. Con tact Mr. Holloway or Mr. craven, 4115 E.

Busch Blvd. 988-8948. HAIRORESSER With following only, commission ft pleasant working conditions. Paid vocation. 885-4495.

OFFSET PRESSMAN EID-RZP 28x40 2 color. pressman. Top man, full benefits, steady. CAM collect Blair Hartley, 305-573-7322. 350 CLUBS RESTAURANTS NEEDED assistant cook from 6 day week 988-5131 ext 43.

MATURE Waitress, exper- ienced, nights only. After 5PM 3801 Gandy. DANCERS 84.00 ond Up hou No exoerlence. Days, nights, 233-4541. EXPERIENCED Waitresses dishwashers, cooks.

Sambos, 217 S. Dale Mobry. No calls. 350 CLERICAL SECRETARIAL 812,000 YR BONUS FEE PO. EXEC SECTV.

With tree spirit. 870-3303 Shel lee personnel. EXPERIENCED operator for Burrough 5000 billing ma chine, i govs. 251-iujj. SECRETARY Peninsula Motor Club (AAA1 has a challenging poslton for a mature inaiviauai witn accurate tvplna (50WPM! and shorthand (80-100WPM) skills.

Must have recent secretarial exoerlence ond aood personal appearance. For interview call 872-5071. ACCTS CLERK S120 wk sharp aure minded, need nowl 870-3303 Shellee Per sonnel. MUSIC-YOUTH SECY MUST PLAY PIANO Full time position. Spencer Memorial Bant sr murcn please call for appointment, 238-9794.

GROWING manufacturers agency neeas snarp gin rn-day in non-smoking office. Typing 75 WPM or better Shorthand not necessary. Good telephone ability must. Call 879-5790 for op polntment. LEGAL Secretory, 2-3 years experience, preter Lingo- tlon.

Coll Linda 251-0718. FT BOOKKEEPER S698 TAKE CARE OF BOOK FOR TOP CO ALL BNFTS JUNE 223-2701 spelling ft snening BOOKKEEPER-exceotlonol it v. tun cnarae, expana (ng Tampo Restaurant operation. PO Box 18402, Tompa, Florida 33679. BANK Clerk.

Bank ex per ence reaulred. lommer- cial ft Real Estate Loan exoerlence necessary. Pinel las Bank, St. Petersburg, Mr. Lynn 1-867-0102.

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Good typist-insurance exper ience neiptui. neeaea immediately for long term assign ment, no i-ee. oikl FRIDAY 870-3801. SECRETARY, general office duties, light typing, ir-t)si Excellent lob for outgoing person Type 40 10 key Pub contact S415 Juov AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 SECRETARIES-TYPISTS Hiah hourly oav.

No fee DONBAR Services 879-8925 SECRETARY. Shorthand nec essary. Bank experience helpful. Pinellas Bank, St. Petersburg, Mr.

Lynn 1-867- 0102; OFFICE Assistant to Office Manager, Accounting, Personnel, Pur chasing. General office ex perience ft oaexgrouna reaulred. Some Bookkeep ing, typing, ft material control steady, full time, good benefits, ft potential tor pro motion. EOE. Coll In person, bring resume ft references to make appointment for In tervlew.

Hlllsboro Box Co. 2301 N. Albany. BOOKKEEPER. Opportunity for the person witn experience.

Promotion to office manager ovaitable. Send re sume indicating worn experience to Tribune-Times Box Z-238. JOB HUNTING? Openings for Clerk Typists ft secretaries witn aooa skuis. FLORA Personnel Service 870-3460 CLERK TYPIST Must be good typist 60 WPM'S witn aotifuae tor ttoures. Large corporation, excellent stoning salary, witn gooa opportunity for advancement.

All company benefits, day week, free parking provided. Phone 248-2124. GAL FRIDAY S520 SUPER RIGHT ARM TO BOSS IN VARIETY SPOT ASK JULI 877-8011 Snelllng ft Snelllng SECRETARIES Transcribing ft Shorthand Your skills are neeaea now on a temporary oasis, con NORKELL. 872-7865. Employment Counselor Train ee.

Oppty to enter exciting field af personnel placement. Prior secretarial exp. required. S10-12K 1st year Na Fee. Call Tom or Lee.

AVAILABILITY, INC. 672-2631 FULL charge Bookkeep- er.Laok na for career orient ed person who gets along with people. Send resume ond salary requirements to Tribune-Times, box STATISTICAL CLERK $676 S669 montniy-otner county Agencies. Reauires high school graduate with three years exp. In Statistical clerical duties.

Related college course work may substitute on a vear for year basis. HILLS SOU ROUGH COUNTY CIVIL SERVICE 700 Twiaas St. 1st Floor Equal Opportunity Employer Good training spot for tyolst en computerized macnine 8520 Judvt AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 OFFICE Coordinator needed. 40 hours, minimum years general office experience, type 60WPM, 10 key adding machine by touch system, self starter, detail oriented.

Coll 870-1972, between 10AM-2PM. Equal opportunity employer. Interesting part time work. work 3 oav a week. 4 nours a day, 9AM to 9PM.

No selling. Straight salary, Phone 224-9108. ONLY. MED TRANSCRIB TRAINEE On Job Training soves You schooling cost i must type 55WPM. salary out Personnel Conslts 879-3001 LEGAL Secretary, excellent skills reauirea, experience In litigation firm perferred.

Coll Mr. Somers. 223-3657. CREDIT INVESTIGATOR. Re auires crean investigation background ft 45wpm typing.

Computer Terminal exp. helDful. EXPERIENCED TELLERS. Full time ft parr time. Bank exp only.

Apply Landmark Bonk of Tampa, Personnel Office, 9AM-4PM, Mon-Frl. 10050 N. Flo. Ave. cue.

MF. TRAVELERS INS. CO. FILE CLERK Yrs business experience re aulred. CLAIM CLERK Experience preferred.

Typing skills required, vanea duties Including telephone correspondence. For further Information ft In terview call Mrs. Hutchinson, 879-0720. Equal Opportunity Employer Ml- CASHIER, experienced, part time. No nignts or sunaay work.

602 Fronkiin 51. CLERK TYPIST Opening In specimen process ing area on 4PM.I2AM snm. Must type 50 WPM and be able to rotate weekends. Apply Potterson-Coleman Labs, 4807 N. Armenia CUSTOMER Service Clerk.

Requires previous commercial bonk experience in record keeping and handling customer problems with checking ond savings ac counts. Apply personnel Dept. Landmark Bank of Tomoa. 10050 N. Florida Ave.

9AM-4PM. Monday-Friday. Male-Female. Equal Opportunity Employer. GAL FRIDAY S448 SMALL CO TAKE PAYMNTS ANSWER PHONE TBcCKY 223-2701 Snelllng ft Snelllng IMMEDIATE OPENING for with excellent and shorthand skills.

837-6423. ULL charge bookkeeper and secretary. Send resume to: 2801 S. MacDill. Tampa, 33609, or phone 831-1811.

LEGAL SECRETARIES We represent leading Bay Area firms seeking good tol- ent. Advance now. Top sala ries. rct paia oy firms. Call Joan II' confidence.

AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 340 380 EMPLOYMENT GENERAL ADVERTISING ARTIST Reauires a versatile. Imaginative person tor newspaper advertising layout ft finished art. Some knowledge of typography and print reproduction helpful. We offer exceptional working conditions, full compony benefits including paid vacation.

Insurance and profit shoring plan. But more Importantly, we provide an atmosphere which gives you every opportunity for personal success. Contort Corel Selph, Tampa Tribune Lakeland Bureau, 813-683-6531. TELEPHONE CONTACTS Guaranteed 82.50 per hr. plus Bonus.

Coll 686-4101. STUDENTS part, full time. Sell fresh cut flower. 933- 1237, 932-7973. CERTIFIED Persons In Termite Control, to loin established firm.

884-1117. PARTTIME EXPERIENCED Die Cutter (Kluge Press) Hours negotiable. Apply 9511 N. Trosk (W. Linebaugh N.

Trask) ATTENTION! Managers ft assistants, full time, part time. No experience necessary. Various locations ft shifts. Full company benefits. Take advantage, by applying In person at Malik Market (A Munford Store), Brandon, S.

Kings at Bloomlngda-le; Tampa, 7626 N. 56th St. (Temple Terrace); 7008 Haniey Rd; Willow Oaks, Hwv 60. Eaual Opportunity Employer. WRECKER Driver, experienced.

Apply in person, Johnny's Body Shop, 512 E. Cass. KEYPUNCH OPERATOR Prior experience, 10,000 stroke average preferred. Will consider good typing ability 55wpm). Evening shift.

Premium paid. Start at S128week or more based on experience. Excellent group ft working environment. Apply In person, Sys-toms 4835 Cypress St. LEE County Board of Commissioners.

Water Plant Operator State of Flo. Closs certification; river or impounded water experience desirable. Send resume to E.J. Henke, Personnel Director; POB 398; Ft. Myers, FL 33902.

Equal Opportunity Employer. PART Time lanitorlal help. Mianignt to call 626-5761 MECHANIC to get cars In soected. Apply 4432 N. Dale Mobry PRE-Hung Manufacturer, ex periencea mm work, cox Lumber, Apollo Beach, 645 6451.

Need 2 experienced Oil truck drivers. Must nave good driving record. Apply: 7305 Rowlette Pk Dr. THE Tampa Tribune Is now accepting applications for Distributor-Employees In the FT. LONESOME, PICNIC area.

If you hove good dependable transportation ana can posi a reasonable cash bond, vol1 can earn extra money each month. To opply, phone 685-5625, weekdays 9AM to 4PM. FRONT OFC TRNEE 8525 Take phone colls, handle mes sages, etc. Call DAWN 985 6744 Accurate Temple Terrace WATER PLANT OPERATOR Certified ot Advanced operator, experienced in woter plant operations. Salary Send res ume to: Personnel Dept, City ol Cape Coral, P.O.

Box 900, Cape Coral, FL 33904. An Eaual Opportunity Employer. RESPONSIBLE, Cheerful lady for part time (3 aay weeki, General office work. Tabulating, Invoices, Some counter sales. Must be mature, neat, dependable ft friendly.

Apply Suncoast Parties, 5510 Anderson Rd, Friday 9AM-1PM only. MAN ft wife needed. Pack ft deliver eggs. Housing furnished. 904-796-8693.

SEMI-Traller Body mechanics ft helpers, some weiaing experience reaulred. Apply 3904 US Hwy. 301 North. MEN WANTED 3-6 MONTHS OR PERMANENT EMPLOY. 18 OR OVER NO EXP.

NECESSARY If vou ore new to Tampa, Temporarily aisconnnumg your education, recently discharged from the service, or for any reason seeking tern porary or career employment, consider this unique opportunity. The women and men we are looking for may be tired of typing, folding papers, warehouse fobs ond working for a limited income. Work with young people. Rapid advancement possible, if you ore 16 or over, ond would be available to start work immediately call Jeanette 229-2343 Lexington, Andrews Inc. printea ret.

material aiv. EXPERIENCED Auto clean up workers. Must know automotive clean up inside and out. Pay plan is open. Apply in person 6511 S.

Dale Mobry, 839-4613. EARN Extra money practic ing Golden Rule, breat 877-7945. MATURE, dependable person to watcn I vear oia, mv home, weekdays. Call 968-0980, 6PM-8PM. NOW HIRING 18 CAREER OPPORTUNITY NO EXP.

NECESSARY ON THE JOB TR. SEVERAL OPENINGS If vou have had some college training, nave teaaersnip ability, are athletically inclined or people-oriented -work with young people now available. Work where neither youth nor age Is 0 disadvantage. Age no bar- rier if 18 or over. Rapid advancement to monogement possible.

You can earn $196 PER WEEK Bosed on vour productivity. IUS incentives ona extra profit sharing bonus. 1 year of college preferred. Fxreilent oDDortunitv to gain business experience. For Interview coll 229-2343 Lexington, Andrews Inc.

printed ret, moterioi aiv. FTIRED or semi-retired mon as hunting guide, thoroughly experienced handling bird dogs. Bondable. live-in. P.K.

Rancn. yu4-y-jU4u. no collects. GENERAL yard man, driver. 46 hours.

Good witn figures. References. Apex eunaing Supply. 949-1892. EARN Extra Cosh.

New pay ing J44 per every cona tions. 87 first donation, 88 second donation, etc. Plus a $7 bonus every 5th donation. Bring valid ID at Tampa Plasma 1502 W. Kennedy, 253-0221, New Donors MACHINE Operator and as sembly of plastic products.

Same factory or machine shop experience desirable. Apply Solar Plastics 4510 Alva Street. SUPERVISOR of heavy eauip- ment, conveyor systems, to-miliar with dredging ond marine eauipment. Oceon mining operation near Bi-mini, Bahamas. Needs man exoerlenced in supervision of Bahamian personnel.

20 days on, 10 days on schedule. Immediate opening. Send resume ond salary history to Controller, Suite 200, 1001 NW 62nd Ft. Lau derdale, FL 33309. MANAGER mature.

aggressive individual for well established company. sales experience neiptui, management potential a must. A2i-y6iu. Mr. Lawrence.

i 370 SALES COPIERS. Experienced onl compensation open. Call in confidence, Copltronics, 223- 3312. NEW Home Sales. Residential subdivision, Lutz.

Coil for oppolntment 949-7105. UNUSUALOPPORTUNITY Semi retired or retired Indf vlduol to sell mobile homes for adult retirees In one of Flo's finest retirement com munitles. Real estate, Insu once or auto sales exper, helpful, but not necessary, Aggressive lead program to provide qualified prospects. Excel compensation oia Call W. J.

Schoenberg, 681 3773, 9AM to 5PM for appt. SOLID direct sales ooportu nity in our New Port Rlchey office. Home improvement background helpful. BBe-43Q4i, HOSPITALIZATION CHANCES ARE Chances are the reason vou reading this ad is because you are dissatisfied with vour present situation. Chances are you are not receiving enough (leoasl (tralninal.

Chances are we con help! Dial 837-0007 Tampo. 1-904-732-0714 Ocolo. YAM to NOOn. ONE TIME CLOSERS $500 TO $1,000 PER WK 'CALL NOW 879-3314 TRAINEES 14) Good speaking voice. 2PM-8PM.

8150-S200 comm. week ly. 228-9785. PART Time Sales, preferably retired. Must have retail sales background.

Bentley Luggage. y-uy. NEED (2) real go getters who can produce, toilow up ana close own leads tor old es tablished Florida company. No part timers. Coll 225-1508 MANUFACTURERS repr sentotlve, chemical com panv.

Sales woman over 25. Cor necessary. Call tor ap pointment, 237-8401; ASSISTANT Manager needed immediately for large retail shoe store chain, sales ex- perience necessary. 681-1445 ON JOB TRAINING PAY AS YOU LEARN Florida owned ft operated Construction company has opening for 3 Soles Trainees. Salary plus commission through training period.

For good income ft future in sales. For appointment call 86-JSI. MED SUPP S12K-FEE PD Bov Terr All Extras John 223-2701 Snelling ft Snelling SALES Rep. Progressive Fro zen tooa pineiios, Man otee territory. Company ca salary plus commission.

Unlimited potential for right person. Reply to: inoune- Tlmes Box, T-258. TELEPHONE SOLICITORS Work at home, no selling. Write P.O. Box 16205, Tampo, Fl.

33617. EXPERIENCED Tire and Auto accessory sales. Local references. Phone for ap- pointment, Bz-oiy. Earn up to $300 wkiy.

comm Monogement possibilities. We train. Call 621-4287. NEED outside sales woman, Will train. Pleasant work.

238-8436. SALES REP 89,000 CALL ON COMM ACCT NAT CO GREAT FUTURE BOBBI 223-2701 Snelling ft Snelling Century 21 Wants You New Real Estate Course I USF Travel Lodge, 2501 Fowler Ave, Starts Nov. 15th, Tues, Thur, 7PM-10PM, Sat, 9AM-4PM. CALL 985-4465 220 LICENSE If vou have a 220 License, We want You. we ore growth oriented offer excellent salary benefits.

Flexible hours. Multl State company, We Will Train if necessary Start immediately. Please call now, 224-9181. 220 LICENSE Full or Part Time Successful Insurance agency. call 870-1000 or 253-3J25.

POSITION SALES PH: 870-3122 Recorded Messoge NAT CO TRNEE 87,800 SELF STARTER GOOD PRO GRAM A CHALLENGE PRUE 223-2701 Snelling ft Snelling EXPERIENCED Sales person Full time. Apply in person Tammey Jewels, University sauare Man. Energetic Customer Contact soles Person Htgniy Ratea Natl Co Teri 223-2701 Snelllng ft Snelling CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT SALESMAN Call Serbert Clark at 626-7148 MARKETING REP $8400 Professional Trng Paves Way To Successful Future Business Clients Call Jeon 223-2701 Snelllng ft Snelling STORE MANAGER tor high volume women's specialty shop. Excellent compensa tion, retail experience nec essory. Apply in person at Bernards, Eastiake sauare Man.

PART Time in store salesper son. 35-55 years. Light book- keeping. 879-6667. PHOTO Engraving wants sa lesperson to sell scanner generated process color sep aration, iiism.

ERA NEEDS YOU Join the Professionals In Real Estate. Call for contiaentiai interview. ARGUS REALTY, INC. Realtors Ofc 870-3747 Eves. 949-3356 SALES PERSON for Tampa's No.

One Furniture Discount Warehouse. Experience not necessary. Apply Mon.tnru r-ri. 9 am tn arm. UNCLAIMED FREIGHT 5001 W.

Hillsborough Ave. OFFICE FURNITURE One of the leading companies in the field is seeking on experienced Soles Person 21 17 W.Kennedy Blvd. TELEPHONE WORK Eves Pleasant working conditions. Call 9AM-9PM 870-0143. INSURANCE CLOSERS Need 3 licensed Insurance agents to close furnished leads.

Comm. to S600 per wk. 870-0143. SALES OPPORTUNITY Open for experienced closer- highest commission paid. Apply ot 4216 Henderson 879-3312.

START ot 8150 per week with fringe benefits. Tampa insurance Debit. Must be dedi cated worker and have good Cor. 935-2581. CAN you measure up to our sranaaras? Dynamic ottice.

active In multi-faceted real estate operation has limited openings for top level producers. Fla. Real Estate license, 0 high degree of Integrity, the intellectual copacity to obsorb our high- Intensity framing program, the ability to put it to use, ft and a desire to moke money ore minimum essential aualitications. Do vou measure up? For confidential Interview, call 985-5558. After hours.

689-7993. ADVERTISING SALES Need two salespeople with personal pnone soies docx-ground In advertising. Excellent opportunity. Call 251-1673. Route Soles Experienced, resume ft Chauffeurs lie.

necessary. Opportunity for odvonce-ment fringe tring Tribune-Times Box M-121 GOOD SALES JOB Part time ft full time Call 621-6568 370 SALES REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATE Opening for 1 lull time person. Well established, active, In- teroov ottice. For appmt. call 839-6358.

AL WORLEY, Inc Realtor 5246 S. DALE MABRY 380 EMPLOYMENT GENERAL SHOP SUPERVISOR Top progressive supervisor ooie to oversee an operotion of 15 to 20 mechanics with gas ft diesel experience. Total truck ft diesel exper ience preferred. All benefits Included. (2 needed) One dav shift, one for nights.

Reply Tribune-Times Box- 933, Tampa, Flo. 33601. SEE OUR MANY ADS RU SUNDAY ft MONDAY KE PERSONNEL 870-1234 NURSERY Person-Grounds maintenance toreman lor Country Club in Oldsmar, Fla. Call Mr. Lewis, 813-784- 8989.

ESTABLISHED marketing research firm needs exper ienced interviewers in Hillsborough County. No sel na. Good oav. car al ow- Begin Nov. 7th, two weeks assignment.

Write Tribune-Times Box B-266. MODELS WANTED PHOTO. TELEVISION-Glrls, Women Men, Children. National. Local assignments, Exoerlenced or will train.

Models International Talent Agency. No Nudes. 870-2522, AUTOMOTIVE PARTS SALES Fast growing Lindell VW Honda parts division, need good counter sales person Ports sales exceed 1 million dollars, so we need volume service ortented employee, Call 872-4841 for appoint ment. RESIDENT MANAGER Considerable experience in all adult property. With Notion al nrrn.

can 23-JV84. PORTER With experience, needed for large apartment complex, Call 885-2529 Apt. Maintenance Man needed Immediately. Experienced in plumbing, electrical, AC, Please toil yB8-S22r. EMPLOYMENT COUNSELOR TRAINEE S175-S250 Spot, NO FEE! Ambitious, enthu siasfic ft desire to excel.

MALEFEMALE 870-1234 KEY PERSONNEL DOG Groomer, exoerlenced professional groomers only, Terrace Grooming Boutiaue. VB5-J342. SHOP CLERK Man needed to figure repal oraers. Abie to nanaie an paper work with shop gross ot 875,000. Also able to flat rote time tickets.

ReDlv Tribune-Times Box 1-934, Tampa, Fla. 33601. SUPERVISING ADJUSTOR ALL LINES To work for large insurance rm in N. Miom i. fl.

5 vr. in-depth experience. Send resume to Tribune-Times Box 212. SERVICE station, must be ex perienced ond do light mechanical work. See Sonny, 802 c.

Buffalo Ave. REFIEF Night Auditor, Apply: Days Inn, Interstate 4 ft state Road 579, seftner, EXPERIENCED MAINTE NANCE PERSON for 160 room hotel, Tampa area, Reply Tribune-Times Box Z5I. EXPERIENCED Assistant warehouse manager. Ask for manager, 229-6576 Man ft wife to manage bi apartment Must have experience. Apply Tribune Times Box 1-143.

EXPERIENCED HOUSE KEEPER 160 ROOM HOTEL. TRIBUNE-TIMES BOX R-126. CARPET BARN STORE MANAGER Must be experienced, all oreos. Salary open 8534 Neb AUTOMOBILE Masker wont ed. A National auto painting firm needs an experienced automobile masker immedi ately.

Hours 8-5, starting pay S4.00 per hour. All company benefits including Insurance, vacation, 5 day week. Apply 8201 N. Florida Avenue, see Mr. Aidridge HARDWARE SALES Retail hardware needs exper- ienced salesperson y7 aay work week.

Call 237-6141, Mr, Roberts. TELEPHONE Solicitors, full or Dart me emo ovment, Salary plus bonus. Prefer exoerlenced. Coll Don Wll son, 886-9191 between 10-1 or 4-. GALS GUYS OVER 17 TRAVEL USA For Sales Interview, Call In ternational Clearing Ltd, 238-7513.

TELEPHONE WORK Part time days or eves. We train. S2.30-4Hr. 228-9392 EXPERIENCED tree climber needed. References checked.

Phone 621-2879, PRODUCTION CONTROL SUPERVISOR Technical and administrative work related to maintenance and repair of housing facilities. Considerable knowledge of building maintenance and reooir metnods. Reauirements: Two years of college In related field and minimum of rnree vears supervisory exoerlence In positions of progressively more responsibility in build ing construction or mainte nance work. Resume re-auired. EOE.

Salary: 812,937.60 Apply: Tampa Housing Au thority, 1514 union street, Tompa, Florida 33607. Ass't Resident Mgr. Luxury garden apt. communi ty, in Clearwater. Must live on site.

Previous experience In leasing ft office proced ures necessary. Phone 225-1646, Mrs. Rupert, for inter view. ICKUP And Deliver orders for Fuller Products, part time. Income, S20 per dav.

Idea tor housew ves. Soutn Tampa, 689-0184. North, 872- 9861. MAN with economical car for collection work. Apply 1908 fc.

Busch EEDED Experienced Night auditor. Good starting salary plus other compony benefits. Call tor oppointment. 879- 4800. Interviewers, Demonstrators.

Ooinion research. No selling. Car necessary. Salary plus mileage allowance, write: "Samoelettes." P.O. Box 24418, Tampo, FL 33623.

FURNISHED House plus salo ry. Settled couple, no cnii-dren, mon to do yard work, pointing, lioht maintenance for Kindergarten ft Nursery. Call for appointment. 'i- 3954. LOAN Collector.

2 years ex perience reauirea. rinenas Bonk, St. Petersburg, Mr. Lynn 1-867-0102. ELP wanted, local automo tive rebuilder.

Need 1 driver for local delivery, also 1 person for shop work. Wilt train but some mechanical experience helpful. Apply In person, 2307 N. Tampa St. ARE THE CHILDREN IN SCHOOL? DO YOU NEED EXTRA MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS? DU YUU ENJOY TALKING TO PEOPLE? If you can answer YES to any one of these auestlons and you enloy telephone work.

now is the time to call 272-7676. We ore looking for several enthusiastic oeoole to work from 11:00 to 2:30 In the morning and 9:00 to 12:30 on Saturdays (rem Aitr office. We offer hourly pay pius ponusesi so call now, Christmas less than A days awaylflMl 320 MEDICAL ORRN Community General Hesoltol active operating room needs dynamic RN to loin a well qualified team in en 65 bed acute care hospital 30 miles north of Tompo. On-call reaulred. Call director of nurs ing COIieCt, (VU430r-O.

Community General Hospital 1550 Fort King Dade City, 33525. An equal oppor tunlty employer. Medical Help Wanted Medical Clinic needs full time oaaresslve, organueo kn Supervisor. Day week, Monday thru Saturday, Ex nrln4 only need ooolv, Salary open. Call 961-7907 tor an interview.

GERIATRIC PSYCH UNIT OPENING New pay scale. RN't all shifts, Full time-part-time, rotating, Miit hove Geriatric exo. Apply Tues-Frl Tampo Heights Hospital 4004 Riv- erside pr. Tompo. eoe RN At head nurse for psychia tric adolescent unit, must have exp.

Apply Tues-Frl Tampa Heights Hospitol 4004 Riverside Or. Tampa. EOE RN'S, ICCU, part time, 3 days weekly iipm-am snm, ex mllent startlno sa orv benefits package. Memorial Hospital of Tampa, Person nel 877-0441 ext. 475.

EOE. LPN, 12-8 shift with Nursing Home exoerlence. bjt jjii Manhattan Convalescent Center. 330 DOMESTICS-MAIDS WANTED: A live-In to care for the elderly. 93i-4zuy.

LIVE-in housekeeper. Light cooking cleaning. Ken able. Anytime, 239-9290. COMPANION LIVE- IN 229-1561 HOUSEKEEPER.

Ilve-ln room, board, salary, yei-nji evenings, 1-531-188 days. HOUSEKEEPER, prefer Ital ian or spanisn speaking, tor elderly gentleman, live in, light duties, references re- quired. 228-8248. RELIABLE baby sitter, north Tompo area. Own transportation, t'h days weekly.

977-2308 Evenings, weekends, anytime Thursday. RELIABLE person to care for Infant. North Tompo. neter- ences. 977-0305.

LIVE-ln apartment, light duties tar aeriv laaies, sat ary, days oft, references. 971-8873. PART time help wanted, ba by sitting witn tignt nouse- keen na. Monday tnrouen Friday, 3PM-6PM, Boycrest area. Reply Tribune-Times, Box R-256.

LIVE-ln lite housekeeper for 5 days ana 6 nignts. for elderly woman, must be able to cook. i-s-j col lect poim Horoor, anytime 340 CLUBS RESTAURANTS COOK. New Retirement Cen ter. Must nave tnstitutionoi cooking experience.

Apply Trinity Lakes, Sun city cen ter. RESTAURANT help only, Cooks, waitresses, aisn washers, bus bovs, bartend ers, barmaids. Call (39-3778. no tee. QFSTAURANT HELP Busy Seafood Restaurant Is looking tor me following per sonnel: One Broiler cook Two waitresses Contact Mr.

Miller, at 935-4793, before 4pm. WANTED exoerlenced Chin ese cook" Please contact Tuna Slno 1609 N. U.S, 19, New Port Rlchev, Flori da. 1-848-5467. STEAK SHAKE Hos opening for full-part time waitresses ft production op erators.

Apply in person 5917 E. Hlllsborouoh. 1450 Fowler between 2PM- 4PM. no pnone cons piease. RELIEF Night Auditor.

Apply: Doys inn, interstate 4 ft State Rood 579, Setfner. LUM'S, 3120 W. Hillsborough is presently looking tor cooks ft experienced wol tresses. Apply In person. PATIO new owners need fast, efficient service bar mixolo gist waitress.

39ig w. Osborne BARMAID, experienced. dependable, no pnone cans. Keiivs Hideaway, Hwy Seftner. DANCERS-Entertalners.

New olush lounoe. Bea 85 up, Will train. Diamond Lll's. 933-2092. BARMAIDS or Bartenders for modern lounge, no experience necessary, aood pay, day week, paid vocation.

Apply ABC Liquors, 8202 Florida Ave. No pnone cons. EXPERIENCED Short order Cook for 3-11 shift, 6 nights. Add In person only to ot- scar Nurse, Holiday Inn, 4500 w. cypress St.

MANAGEMENT, management ft kitchen managers needed immediately tor nign volume restaurant serving sit-down meals. Send resume giving experience qualifications to Tribune-Times Box Q-253. WANTED bor molds ft co*ck tail waitresses, addiv in per son evenings otter 6PM at 2001 oayssey, 2jgv n. uaie Mabry. INNER Waitress needed Exoerlenced only.

Apply In person from to Morslee Hortless, Holiday inn. 4500 w. cypress at. WANTED exotic doncers and go go doncers. Apply in person evenings after 6PM, 2001 Odyssey, 2309 n.

uaie Mobry. WAITRESSES Hiring for morn, ft eve. shifts. Must train. Apply in person 8602 N.

Dale Mabry. Tampa. BOOKKEEPER OFFICE MANAGER The Brass Ballon Rest, needs a fully qualified person to do light correspondence ft typing. Responsibility for accounts, complete charge of own oftice. si40-si60 wkiy.

No phone calls please, apply between 9-11 AM, Wednesday, Thursday ft Friday only. Upper level, Tampa Bay Center; co*ckTAIL Waitress, Fridoy- Saturday nignts. Maverick Lounge, uiosmar, au-jio. 920-6720. WANTED bus boy, dishwasher and porter.

Lorenzos Res taurant Mir w. Humpnrey St. 932-6641. DANCERS Wanted. Newest ond most plush club in town.

977-9527. WAITRESSES, must be exper ienced. Apply 2PM-4PM, no phone calls. Dutch Pantry Restaurant, siu t. i-iuis- bourough.

BARMAID. Apply In person between hours at 13417 Nebraska. 977-9508. WANTED full time waiters and part time weekend bortend-er. Apply 4625 Gandy Blvd.

S5 AND Up hourly. Barmaids, dancers. 9711 Busch. char- Pot. EXPERIENCED cook needed.

Complete charge af kitchen, purchasing and ether responsibilities. For appointment call 988-9191. DANCERS, aood salary ft tips. apply after iZNoon. Tigers Den, 1600 N.

Dale Mabry. DANCERS wanted. Top sala ry. Apply in person, 341 1 w. Columbus Drive.

BARMAIDS ft co*cktail wai tresses wanted, experience pnly. Apply in person: Mr. C's Package ft Lounge, Highwoy 41, Land 'O Lakes. IPM-6PM. 949-6242.

DINING room hostess. Com plete charge of dining room service. For appointment coll 988-9191. XPERIENCEO Moltred' for new Gourmet Restaurant. Apply In person Mr.

Rayno-so, at the Couseway Inn. BARMAID. Call between 3 and 626-6906. THE BRASS BALLOON Tomoa Bay Center null the finest people en our staff of waiters, waitresses ft bartenders. Applications will be accepted Mon.

thru Thurs. 2 to 4 PM. Only the finest currently employed need apply la person only. DATA PROCESSING CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Florida Federal is expanding its computer facilities to a 24 hour, 7 day a week operation to handle new services such as MODERN MONEY. This has created several position openings.

The Following EDP Skills are being sought. SYSTEMS ANALYST With 2 to 3 years experience In both batch real time systems to be responsible for the analysis of present systems, development of computer solutions including documentation and flow charting, of methods procedures. PROGRAMMERANALYST With 2 years experience for IBM 370 DOSVS to develop and maintain a statewide Savings loan system. BAl experience desirable. Knowledge of CICSVS teleprocessing are helpful.

COMPUTER OPERATORS With IBM 370 experience) in a DOS environment desirable. 24 hour, 7 day a week operation. Rotating shihl shift differential. DATA ENTRY OPERATORS With experience on the 129 Keypunch Verifier IBM 3270. Salary commensurate with experience.

Excellent fringe benefits. Apply Florida Personnel 4th St. Central St. Petersburg, or forward resume salary history in strict confidence. EOE (817) 723-4616 US SPARKS 4.

The Tampa Times from Tampa, Florida (2024)


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Article information

Author: Duane Harber

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Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.