Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (2024)

Just because you're stuck at home doesn't mean that you have to miss out on some of your favorite St. Louis foods.

Everybody is cooking and baking these days and these classic St. Louis recipes can provide some of your all-time favorite local comfort foods.

From the Courtesy Diner's slinger to Famous Barr's French onion soup to Casa Gallardo's fried ice cream, these classic St. Louis dishes will warm your heart and fill your stomach.


  • Annie Gun's,
  • Blue Owl,
  • Brasserie,
  • Casa Gallardo,
  • Courtesy Diner,
  • dill pickle soup,
  • Famous Barr French Onion Soup,
  • fried ice cream,
  • gerber sandwich,
  • gooey butter cake,
  • Levee High Apple Pie,
  • little gem salad,
  • Pint Size Bakery,
  • prosperity sandwich,
  • Schneitenhorst,
  • slinger,
  • Southern,
  • Southwest Diner,
  • SqWires,
  • St. Louis recipes,
  • St. Paul sandwich,
  • The Fountain on Locust,
  • The Parkmoor,
  • toasted ravioli,
  • Union Loafers

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Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (2)

Casa Gallardo's Fried Ice Cream

Find the recipe here.

Photo credit: Hungry Dudes / Flickr

Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (3)

Gooey Butter Cake

Find the recipe here.

Photo credit: Annie / Flickr

Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (4)

BBQ Pork Ribs

Find the recipe here.

Photo credit: Jennifer Silverberg

Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (5)

Gerber Sandwich

Find the recipe here.

Photo credit: Mabel Suen

Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (6)

St. Louis Prosperity Sandwich

Find the recipe here.

Photo credit: Katie Moulton

Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (7)

Casa Gallardo's Guacamole

Find the recipe here.

Photo credit: Thomas Ba. / Flickr

Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (8)

Union Loafer's Little Gem Salad

Find the recipe here.

Photo credit: Mabel Suen

Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (9)

The Fountain on Locust's Dill Pickle Soup

Find the recipe here.

Photo credit: Lauren Milford

Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (10)

Blue Owl's Levee High Apple Pie

Find the recipe here.

Photo credit: RFT file photo

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Recipes for Classic St. Louis Foods That You Can Make at Home (2024)


What food is Saint Louis, Missouri known for? ›

Food associated with St. Louis
  • Frozen custard concrete.
  • Gerber sandwich.
  • Gooey butter cake.
  • Mayfair salad dressing.
  • Provel cheese.
  • St. Louis-style barbecue.
  • St. Louis-style pizza.
  • St. Paul sandwich.

What is the signature dish in St. Louis? ›

Toasted ravioli – or t-ravs, as the locals call them – are St. Louis' quintessential bar food. Although a number of area restaurants stake their claim on the invention of toasted ravioli, everyone can agree that the conception was a happy accident.

What is Missouri known for food? ›

Missouri may be known for toasted ravioli, provel cheese, and BBQ, but the Show Me State is much more than that. Nearly 200 years of German, French, and Italian influence combined with incredible local meat and produce means award winning charcuterie, beer, and pastries.

What dessert is St. Louis known for? ›

Nothing compares to gooey butter cake. Rich, moist and tender, it's arguably the best dessert in St. Louis.

What sandwiches is St. Louis known for? ›

Paul sandwich rose to fame at St. Louis-area Chinese restaurants. It's a sandwich that starts with two slices of white bread. Next comes a hot, crispy egg foo young patty, which is essentially a fried omelet.

What food was invented in St. Louis? ›

The ice cream cone, toasted ravioli, provel cheese, gooey butter cake – we've heard of the city's most famous food inventions. But St. Louis, and the state we reside in, can claim many more – iced tea and 7up were both invented in St. Louis – as well as more impressive inventions.

What candy was invented in St. Louis? ›

Here are some candies with a St. Louis area origin story: Pixy Stix, Sprees, SweeTarts got their start in St. Louis with the Sunmark Corporation.

What is St. Louis pizza? ›

Louis–style pizza is a type of pizza in St. Louis, Missouri and surrounding areas. The pizza has a thin cracker-like crust made without yeast, topped sweet tomato sauce and Provel cheese, and is cut into squares or rectangles rather than wedges.

What food is native to Missouri? ›

Dandelions, cattails, pawpaws, persimmons, elderberries, watercress, and even other mushrooms are just a few of the wild edibles that are abundant throughout the state.

What is Missouri State snack? ›


The ice cream cone became Missouri's official dessert in 2008. In 1904, visitors to the St. Louis World's Fair, formally the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, were invited to try a brand-new treat. Vendors were folding waffles into cones and filling them with ice cream.

What fast food is Missouri known for? ›

The Betsperts study also shows Missourians chose to eat at McDonald's more than any other fast-food chain. However, a separate study conducted by Pricelisto found Taco Bell to be the most popular fast-food chain in Missouri. Copyright 2024 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved.

What can I cook in 5 minutes? ›

25 healthy recipes you can cook in 5 minutes or less
  • Pea and broad bean couscous.
  • Fast home-made baked beans.
  • Porridge.
  • Pasta with cherry tomatoes and rocket.
  • Home-made hummus.
  • Smashed avocado and wilted spinach.
  • Cucumber (or potato) raitha.
  • Quick pitta pizzas.

What food is most commonly eaten at home? ›

Chicken has recently superseded beef as the most pounds per person eaten. Potatoes and tomatoes are the most popular vegetables while oranges and apples are the most popular fruits, but those are mostly consumed as juice.

What is St. Louis Missouri popular for? ›

St. Louis is a vibrant metropolis in the heartland of the USA, with its fiercely independent frontier-town roots, layered with Midwest modesty. Commonly referred to as the 'Gateway to the West', this eclectic city is famous for its iconic Gateway Arch, fiercely loyal sports fans, and blues music scene.

Is St. Louis a foodie city? ›

Louis is the 18th best 'Foodie City' in America, according to WalletHub.

What is the most famous thing in St. Louis? ›

The Gateway Arch

Louis and familiar to all, but did you know it was designed to commemorate the city's historical role as the country's “Gateway to the West” in the 19th century? The Gateway Arch is part of a complex called the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, which also includes a museum.

What foods are native to Missouri? ›

Dandelions, cattails, pawpaws, persimmons, elderberries, watercress, and even other mushrooms are just a few of the wild edibles that are abundant throughout the state.


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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.